financial charts on a computer screen
Money Makes the World Go ’Round

Department of Finance

The Department of Finance offers studies in finance, as broadly defined, the art and science of making decisions involving money. In the finance program at Salisbury University, you’ll learn exactly how banking institutions, corporations and markets operate and how they stay in compliance with government regulations.

The Sea Gull Fund

An important distinction of our department is the administration of the Sea Gull Fund. This is an equity portfolio managed entirely by undergraduate students – the first such program among the University System of Maryland Schools – and it provides practical lessons and on the working of equity markets.

  • Learn more about the Sea Gull Fund, SU’s student-managed investment portfolio.

Academic Programs

Learn more about the programs offered by the departments:

The idea is to make this initiative as real as possible for the students. The instructor is only a facilitator. The students make all the decisions.
DR. HERMAN MANAKAYAN Department of Finance Faculty Sea Gull Fund Advisor

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Department of Finance Fund