Elementary Education major working with two children
Great Teachers Made Here

Early and Elementary Education

We in the Department of Early and Elementary Education are excited to introduce you to our three accredited Bachelor of Science degrees that are accredited by the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP) and the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). Faculty advisors work with you to develop a plan that meets your needs and that prepares you to become eligible for a teaching certificate.

  • BS in elementary education (grades 1-6).
  • BS in early childhood education (grades P-K – 3)
  • BS in elementary education with a dual certification in early childhood (grades P-K-6)

If you are interested in becoming an early and/or elementary educator, we encourage you to contact us and together we can develop an educational plan that meets your needs and prepares you for the teaching career you envision for yourself.

  • Claudia Burgess – Director of Elementary Education - 443-548-5794
  • Amber Meyer – Director of Elementary Education & Elementary Education with a Dual Certification in Early Childhood – 410-677-0264

Our Guarantee

In the Department of Early and Elementary Education we are committed to your success. For that reason, we guarantee you automatic acceptance into any of our three degree programs as soon as you have met all of the pre-program requirements. Let us take the stress out of not knowing if you will be admitted into one of our programs so that you can focus on your education, your educational experiences, and your academic success.

Faculty in the Department of Early and Elementary Education

The faculty in the Department of Early and Elementary Education prioritize the needs of our students. We are friendly, helpful, creative, enthusiastic, innovative, and talented. Collectively, we have many years of teaching experience in public schools, travel internationally to attend conferences and sponsor education courses, engage in relevant, educationally related research, and remain current in the integration of new technologies. We work extensively in local and regional schools, are regionally and nationally recognized as leaders in our fields, and we are the recipients of many honors and accolades. Collectively, we have achieved great things professionally while never wavering in our commitment to provide our students with hands on, engaging, thought provoking experiences in our classrooms. We are proud to be educators and excited that you want to join our worthwhile profession.

Meet the Early and Elementary Education Department faculty and staff

Enhancements to Your Degree

Beyond earning a degree in the Department of Early and Elementary Education, you will have innumerable opportunities to engage in meaningful educational experiences that go beyond the classroom.

You might find that you want to:

And hundreds of other amazing experiences that are just too extensive to list.

Department Information

International Literacy Association (ILA) Recognition

ILA Teacher Prep Recognition Badge

The Elementary Education program has been recognized by the International Literacy Association (ILA) for its outstanding preparation of literacy professionals. Salisbury University is one of few that have received this recognition at the undergraduate level.

  • 3 Programs of Study
  • 1 Annual Riall Education Lectures
  • 8 National NAPDS Awards

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Early and Elementary Education Department Fund