Eastern Shore Collaborative for Interprofessional Education
- Collaboration in Interprofessional Education Conference
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report “Health Professions Education: A Bridge to Quality” cited working on an interdisciplinary team as one of five core competencies for healthcare professionals. Additionally, the IOM report states that “health professionals should be educated to deliver patient-centered care as members of an interdisciplinary team…[and] patients receive safer, high quality care when health care professionals work effectively in a team, communicated productively, and understood each other’s roles.” The World Health Organization (WHO) states that interprofessional education occurs when at least two professional students learn “about, from, and with” each other. Furthermore, it is well recognized that health care professionals must work collaboratively and in fully functional teams to meet the needs of patients and work within a dynamic health care delivery system. The WHO also emphasizes that collaboration and teamwork can best be achieved if it starts early, with students from different professions engaging in interactive learning with each other.
In October 2012, an inter-institutional and interprofessional team was created among faculty of several disciplines (nursing and respiratory therapy) at Salisbury University and (pharmacy, physical therapy, physician’s assistant, and rehabilitation services) at University of Maryland Eastern Shore. The SU-UMES team attended the 2012 Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) conference and continued meeting monthly, alternating between both campuses, to develop the mission, goals, and priorities and has also started to implement several initiatives.
To facilitate interprofessional educational opportunities and academic-workforce partnerships among health care faculty, professionals, students, and stakeholders at Salisbury University (SU) and University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) to optimize graduate preparedness.
Goals and Objectives
1. Prepare practice-ready SU and UMES graduates through effective interprofessional education to enter the increasingly complex healthcare workforce.
1.1 Analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate interprofessional didactic courses
1.2 Provide interprofessional experiential opportunities
1.3 Implement interprofessional seminars
2. Serve as a resource for interprofessional expertise facilitating educational, research and scholarship opportunities for supporting optimal patient-centered health care and outcomes.
2.1 Provide needs-based interprofessional workshops for faculty
2.2 Facilitate and disseminate interprofessional research opportunities and scholarly development for faculty and students
2.3 Secure targeted funding to support collaborative activities
2.4 Maintain a speakers bureau, for both SU and UMES campuses
2.5 Develop academic-workforce partnerships to meet current and future stakeholder needs -
Team Members
- Ashley Petrolino, MPH, CHES®, RRT, AE-C, ESCIPE Co-Chair (2022-2024)
Public Health - Leslie Santos, PhD, CRC, ESCIPE Co-Chair (2021-2023)
Rehabilitation - Michelle Sanfilippo, PT, DPT, GCS
Physical Therapy - Thomas W. Lamey, PhD, RRT, AE-C
Respiratory Therapy - Ellen Anderson, MSW
Social Work - Annette Barnes, DNP, CRNP, FNP-BC, CNE
Nursing Graduate Program Chair
- Sedonna Brown, MSN, RN
Nursing - Meghan East, EdD, M.S.P.A.S., PA-C, MLS
Medical Lab Science - Bryan Gere, Ph.D., MBA, CRC
Rehabilitation - Lisa Joyner, M.Ed., RRT, RRT-NPS
Respiratory Therapy - Michael Kirtsos, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN
Human Ecology - Dennis W. Klima, PT, PhD, GCS, NCS
Physical Therapy - Kutresa Lankford-Purnell
Rehabilitation - Tina Reid, Ed.D., RN
Nursing - Nancy Rodriguez-Weller, RPh, FASCP Chair, UMES Interprofessional Central Committee liaison
Pharmacy - Lana Sherr, PharmD, BS Pharm Assistant Dean for Professional Affairs
Pharmacy - Jennifer Schermerhorn, LCSW
Social Work - Hoai-An Truong, PharmD, MPH, FAPhA, FNAP
Pharmacy - Ms. Jonda White
Physician Assistant Program
- Robert L. Joyner, Jr., PhD, RRT, RRT-ACCS, FAARC
Executive Director of Eastern Shore Area Health Education Center
- Ashley Clark, MPH, MAHS
Eastern Shore Area Health Education
- Ashley Petrolino, MPH, CHES®, RRT, AE-C, ESCIPE Co-Chair (2022-2024)
Publications and Presentations
Manuscripts - Peer Reviewed:
Lee, M.C., Auth, R., & Hinderer, K. A., & Alexander, C. S. (2017). Challenges to advance care planning among multidisciplinary health professionals in China. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 23(11), 552-557.
Truong H-A, Gorman MJ, East M, Klima DW, Hinderer KA, Hogue GL, Brown, V., Joyner, RL. The Eastern Shore Collaborative for Interprofessional Education’s Implementation and Impact over Five Years. Am J Pharm Educ 2018;82(4):287-293.
Hinderer, K.A., Klima, D., Truong, H.A., Rangel, A., Brown, V., Talley, W., Dougherty, P. & Joyner, R.L. (2016). Faculty perceptions, knowledge, and attitudes toward interprofessional education and practice. Journal of Allied Health, 45(1):e1–e4.
Klima, D.W., Hinderer, K.A., Freda, K., Winter, D.M., & Joyner, R.L. (2014). Interprofessional collaboration between two rural institutions: A simulated teaching laboratory paradigm. Respiratory Care Education Annual, 23, 45-48.
Hinderer, K.A. & Joyner, R.L. (2014). An interprofessional approach to undergraduate critical care education. Journal of Nursing Education, 53(3), S46-50. doi: 10.3928/01484834-20140217-05
Oral Presentations - Peer Reviewed:
Brown, V.S., & Hinderer, K.A. Integrating interprofessional experiences into a rural academic environment: The undergraduate nursing experience. Presented at the York Wellness and Rehabilitation Institute 2016 International Conference Experience, Rochester, NY, June 2016.
Hinderer, K.A., Klima, D.W., Joyner, R.L., & Brown, V.S. Developing and sustaining an inter-institutional interprofessional academic committee. Presented at Salisbury University Teaching and Learning Conference, Salisbury, MD, February 19, 2016.
Lee, M.C., Auth, R., Felber, A., Kim, C., Koohkanrizi, N., Hinderer, K.A., Chow, A., Chan, C., & Tiwari, A. Advance care planning in China. Presented at JCIPE 2014: Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century: Redefining Education and Practice, Philadelphia, PA October 10 - 12, 2014.
Hinderer, K., Guerra, A., Talley, W., Hogue, G. L., Joyner, R. L., Klima, D., Parker, D., Brown, V., Dougherty, P., Riker, G., Truong, H. Our Journey to Interprofessionalism: The Eastern Shore Collaboration for Interprofessional Education (ESCIPE) Experience. 2014 Fall IPEC Institute: Interprofessional Education: Building a Framework for Collaboration. Herndon, VA. October 1 – 3, 2014.
Joyner, R.L., & Hinderer, K.A. An undergraduate interprofessional critical care course conveys the importance of collaborative practice while learning the essentials of critical care. Presented at the Regional Research Symposium, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD, April 17, 2014
Hinderer, K.A., & Joyner, R.L. Building our future: Multi-professional critical care education. Presented at NETNEP 2012: 4th International Nurse Education Conference, Baltimore MD, June 2012.
Oral Presentations - Invited Speaker:
Hinderer, K.A. “Bridging the Gap: Inter-professional Partnerships to Support Practice-ready Healthcare Graduates.” Presented at Salisbury University Research Day and Innovation Showcase, Salisbury, MD, September 23, 2016.
Hinderer, K.A., & van Vulpen, K. “Advance Directives.” Presented at the Wicomico County Rotary Club, Salisbury, MD, December 9, 2014.
Poster Presentations - Peer Reviewed:
Hinderer, K.A., & van Vulpen, K. An interprofessional collaborative to promote quality end-of-life care in a rural long-term care facility. Presented at the American Nurses Association Quality and Innovation Conference, Orlando, FL, March, 2018 & The 2018 Evidence Based Practice Nursing Conference, Peninsula Regional Medical Center, Salisbury, MD, April 2018.
Klima, D., Hinderer, K., Freda, K., Winter, D.M., & Joyner, R.L. Interprofessional collaboration between two rural institutions: A simulated teaching laboratory paradigm. Presented at Regional Research Symposium, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD, April 2015.
Hinderer, K., Guerra, A., Talley, W., Hogue, G.L., Joyner, R.L., Klima, D., Parker, D., Brown, V., Dougherty, P., Riker, G., & Truong, H. Our Journey to Interprofessionalism: The Eastern Shore Collaboration for Interprofessional Education (ESCIPE) experience. Presented at 2014 Fall IPEC Institute: Interprofessional Education: Building a Framework for Collaboration, Herndon, VA, October 1-3, 2014.
Truong, H., Hinderer, K.., & Guerra, A. The Maryland Eastern Shore Collaboration for Interprofessional Education (ESCIPE) experience. Presented at All Together Better Health VII, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 6-8, 2014 & Regional Research Symposium, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD, April 17, 2014.
Hinderer, K.A. & Joyner, R.L. An initial experience with an undergraduate critical care course. Presented at The 2012 American Thoracic Society International Conference, San Francisco, California, May 2012.
External Resources
- Center for Healthy Communities
Leadership and Administrative Support
Rondall E. Allen, B.S., Pharm.D., Dean and Professor, School of Pharmacy and Health Professions University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Kelly Fiala, PhD, ATC, Transitional Dean and Professor, College of Health & Human Services, Salisbury University
Former Chairs and Co-Chairs
Hoai-An Truong, PharmD, MPH, FNAP (Chair 2012-2014)
Katherine Hinderer, PhD, RN, CCRN-K, CNE (Chair 2014-2017, Co-Chair 2012-2014)
Dennis Klima, PT, PhD, GCS, NCS (Co-Chair 2014-2017)
Former Team Members and Support
- Katherine Hinderer, PhD, RN, CCRN-K, CNE
Nursing - Gretchen I. Riker, PharmD
Pharmacy - Nicholas R. Blanchard, PharmD, MEd (Former Dean)
University of Maryland Eastern Shore - Dennis M. Killian, PharmD, PhD (Former Dean)
University of Maryland Eastern Shore - Patrick Dougherty, PharmD
Pharmacy - Annette Rogers
University of Maryland Eastern Shore - Donna F. Parker, MD
Physician Assistant - Peter Sanford, PA
Physician Assistant - Kimberly van Vulpen, PhD, MSW
Social Work - Jenny Toonstra (Sabbatical replacement)
Athletic Training - Karen Olmstead, PhD (Former Dean)
Salisbury University - Cathy Ferraro, MS, RDN, LDN
Dietetics - G. Lawrence Hogue, PharmD
Pharmacy - Adriana Rangel, MPH, RRT
Respiratory Therapy - William B. Talley, RhD, CRC
- Katherine Hinderer, PhD, RN, CCRN-K, CNE