Scholar Holler Award
Each month the Center for Student Achievement recognizes an outstanding student for academic excellence. The student is highlighted on our website as a way to encourage other students to achieve their academic potential.
Faculty and staff are invited to nominate students for Scholar Holler. The nomination form should describe the student's academic accomplishments.
- Please fill out the brief Scholar Holler Form and e-mail nominations to hwholmes@salisbury.edu.
Scholar Holler Winners
December 2024 - Delaney Bartosz
Majors: Psychology
Minor: Cognitive Science and Gerontology
Hometown: Glen Burnie, MD
Words of wisdom: Trust your heart - it knows where you’re meant to go. When you follow what you love, everything will fall into place. Even if it doesn’t make sense to others, trust yourself. Nobody knows you better than yourself.
Dr. Echo Leaver and Dr. Meredith Patterson said, "Delaney is an exceptional undergraduate student who has taken the lead on several collaborative research projects between Dr. Leaver’s and Dr. Patterson’s labs. Her dedication and diligence stand out in all aspects of her work. Delaney has consistently demonstrated initiative and leadership, troubleshooting equipment issues, scheduling participants, and ensuring the smooth progression of projects. In addition, she has played a vital role in training other students in data collection and processing, fostering a collaborative and productive environment within both labs. Moreover, Delaney has actively contributed to manuscript writing, showcasing her academic and research skills. Her commitment to excellence and her ability to balance multiple responsibilities make her a role model for her peers. Delaney’s tips for academic success would undoubtedly inspire and benefit other students at SU. She exemplifies the values of hard work, perseverance, and leadership, making her highly deserving of this recognition."
November 2024 - Tori Applestein
Majors: Early Childhood Education
Minor: Special Education
Hometown: Gambrills, MD
Words of wisdom: Apply yourself—you’re capable of far more than you may realize! We often underestimate our own potential, but when you push past your doubts and commit to putting in the effort, you’ll discover strengths and abilities you never knew you had.
Dr. Diana Wagner said, "Tori is enrolled in my ODEL 200 class. Her discipline, professionalism, and work quality are really exceptional. She is an excellent writer, but what I most appreciate about her is that she is a very careful and reflective thinker. Her work—whether a short discussion post or a longer journal entry—always makes connections with her coursework. She really does see outdoor education through the holistic lens we teach. When I plan class, she is one of the people I have in mind. I try to anticipate the question she might ask—because she will ask the thing no one else thinks of. I always learn something from her written work. Aside from that, she is one of the most pleasant and professional undergrads I’ve ever had in class. She is rather quiet and certainly doesn’t look for accolades. That’s one of the reasons that she ought to be recognized."
October 2024 - Stephora Cesar Alberi
Majors: Computer Science, Cyber Security and Computer Networks track
Minor: Data Science and Mathematics
Hometown: Salisbury
Words of wisdom: My favorite Haitian proverb, "Sa ou fè se li ou wè", which translates to "What you do is what you see". It means what you see in life is from the results of your actions. Plant the seeds, nurture the dreams, and soon you’ll reap a vibrant reality.
Dr. Kristen Walton said, "Ms. Alberi is an exceptional student with a strong record of academic achievements, awards, study abroad experiences, civic engagement, and research. Stephora is spectacular. She has become one of our campus leaders who also, while First Gen and a Pell Grant student with a family who immigrated to the US from Haiti (via the Dominican Republic), spends much of her time engaged with our community - she even set up a "scholarship group" for TRIO students to introduce them to scholarship opportunities. As a Black woman computer science major, she is a trailblazer for other students and has worked hard to build a community of support for her other students, including working on HenHacks and the Cybersecurity Accelerator program. She has engaged in extensive undergraduate research while on campus, and did a study abroad this summer in Estonia that was aimed for graduate students (she was one of 2 undergraduates) – that led her to her proposed Fulbright Scholarship.
Her engagement with campus, though, goes far beyond her skills with machine learning to help the feature detection algorithms with the first Estonian Space Rover, a project she worked with this summer at Tartu. At Salisbury she worked with a faculty member working with Deep Learning for human facial emotion detection. She is taking some of the most challenging courses at SU.
Stephora’s achievements and strengths go beyond the classroom. She was invited by the President’s office to speak with the Board of Regents this June and was one of the students featured in the President’s video for the State of the University address last month. She also is a Presidential Citizen Scholar working closely with PACE, investigating road safety on the West Side of town, which has been instrumental in improving safety in our community. She is an engaged member of several clubs on campus as well as with the TRIO student support center. I recently brought her on as one of my volunteer Fellowships Ambassadors due to her way of connecting with others in a warm and comfortable manner. Furthermore, to round out the rest, she is actually a Cellist and has played with PRESTO and found a band to play with in Estonia this summer. She is the real deal."
September 2024 - Colleen McCann
Majors: Dual majors in Psychology and Communication
Minor: Philosophy
Hometown: Rehoboth, Delaware
Words of wisdom: Let yourself try and let yourself care. You'll be amazed at what can happen.
Dr. Suzanne Osman said, "I give Colleen McCann my strongest nomination for the Scholar Holler Award. Colleen was the top performing student in my PSYC 325 course during the Fall, 2023 semester, during which she showed great interest in my research lab and a strong intrinsic motivation to learn about the research process. That semester, she enthusiastically began working with me on a research project examining rape empathy, sexual victimization and identity, and has continued working with me since then. Her intellectual contributions have clearly demonstrated her unique independent ability to deeply process and synthesize the scientific literature, and skillfully express her thoughts and knowledge in her writing. Her work on this project led her to travel to Philadelphia last March and present at a professional conference, the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA). She also presented this work on campus at the Salisbury University Student Research Conference (SUSRC) in April. In addition, Colleen worked on writing this summer to co-author a manuscript, which is currently under review for publication with a professional journal. Colleen is now working on a second related project examining sexual assault acknowledgment and identity, which she plans to submit for presentation at the 2025 EPA meeting in NYC, and the 2025 SUSRC. I will also mention that Colleen has a dual major (Psychology and Communication), has a minor in Philosophy, has taken 19-21 credits over each of the past four semesters, has an incredibly impressive overall GPA, and belongs to the Psi Chi National Honor Society."
April 2024 - Austen Cave
Major: Exercise Science
Hometown: Delmar, MD
Words of wisdom:
Put in the work now and it will pay off in the long run. Every day is a new day so make the most of it while doing the things you enjoy.Dr. Scott Mazzetti said, "Austen Cave should be the Salisbury University Scholar Holler of April 2024 because he continues to compete as an athlete on the track and field team as a distance runner, improve his GPA with stellar academic discipline and effort, and has embarked on an exploration of a career path in academia and scientific research. Specifically, Austen has led a few of his younger student colleagues over the past 6 months in working with me to design and pilot a new research study with new research equipment from scratch. We are learning the techniques, and problem solving the challenges of the data collection together, and Austen has led us all in the motivation, scheduling and sacrifice that is necessary for young research teams (like ours) to break through frustrations and hopeless moments at 6am when many of us thought we might abort the study idea, potentially leaving us with nothing to show for our efforts since last fall. April has been particularly challenging with several students volunteering their own efforts in every way including performing the study protocols themselves to make sure we have details of the study design feasible and unbiased, particularly Austen. His efforts have made the difference in getting us past the threshold of study genesis into an actual project, and not surprisingly has been a great source of motivation for all members of the lab. Thanks Austen!"
March 2024 - Abigail Potter
Major: Public Health
Hometown: Marriottsville, MD
Words of wisdom:
Never be afraid to ask! People often appreciate taking initiative and focusing on the details many may miss.Professor Ryan Weaver said, "As a Presidential Citizen Scholar and Public Health major at SU, Abbie has been instrumental in leading her PCS group to address the lack of access to sanitary products, menstrual hygiene education, and the stigma behind menstruation for middle school students in Wicomico County. Abbie and her PCS group have partnered with AETNA Better Health to pilot a program at Salisbury Middle School to distribute free menstruation resources through the Wicomico County Public Schools Health Department."
February 2024 - LaMaree James
Major: Environmental Studies
Minor: Communications
Hometown: Accokeek, MD
Words of wisdom:
When navigating college life, remember the importance of three key pillars: networking, self-care, and time management. Building a strong network isn't just about making friends; it's about forging connections with peers, professors, and professionals that can shape your academic and professional journey. Taking care of yourself goes beyond just studying; it's about prioritizing your mental and physical well-being through proper sleep, nutrition, exercise, and stress management. And when it comes to managing your time, it's all about setting priorities, realistic goals, and finding strategies to make the most of your precious hours. By focusing on these areas, you can build a solid support system, nurture your health and happiness, and make the most out of your college experience.Professor Ryan Weaver said, "As a Presidential Citizen Scholar and Environmental Studies major at SU, LaMaree has been instrumental in leading her PCS group to conduct an IRB-approved community research project focused on transportation equity and road safety in the City of Salisbury. LaMaree and her PCS group have presented their research to the Salisbury City Council, Salisbury Transportation Department, Salisbury/Wicomico Metropolitan Planning Organization, and Shore Transit, resulting in a new bus stop to increase equitable access to public transportation for the Haitian and Latinx community on the west side of Salisbury. "
November 2023 - Jamie Kost
Major: Public Health
Major: Psychology & Disability Studies
Hometown: La Plata, MD
Words of wisdom:
Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Lean on your classmates, utilize the CSA, and attend office hours as much as possible.Abbey Murphy said, "Jamie has shown constant dedication to her academics since her first year year at SU as an active member of the Clarke Honors College and College of Health and Human Services (as an esteemed member of the student advisory board). She balances her schoolwork impressively with various leadership roles across campus including serving as the President of Eta Sigma Gamma (the public health honor society) and a member of the Executive Board for the University Host Program. Jamie also plays on the SU Club Field Hockey Team among her involvement with other student organizations.
In Early November, Jamie presented her Honors Thesis entitled “Does Being Neighborly Impact the Social Fabric of a Community; Probing the Relationship Between Capital and Health Outcomes” at the 16th European Public Health Conference: “Our Food, Our Health, Our Earth: A Sustainable Future for Humanity” in Dublin, Ireland. I believe Jamie’s can-do attitude and skillful management of her time here at SU are worthy of a Scholar Holler shout-out, as she sets a fantastic example for younger students to reach for."
Additionally, Dr. Andrew Martino said, "Jamie would be a wonderful candidate for this honor. Not only is she an active scholar, but she is also a vibrant and committed member of the honors and university community. She is professional, caring, and willing to help others. She handles herself with a maturity that is beyond her years, and I am proud to have her as a member of the Clarke Honors College."
October 2023 - Kaiu Ricketts
Major: Secondary English Education
Hometown: Ridgley, Maryland
Words of wisdom:
Tell the people in your life that you are close to, that you love and appreciate them; hold them close and cherish every moment with them. And know that you are worthy of love and appreciation as well. Your accomplishments, your life, and those around you are all worthy of celebration.Dr. Erin Stutelberg said, "Kaiu is currently in a teaching internship two days per week at North Caroline High School, in addition to taking some of her final English and Education courses at SU. In October, her mentor teacher received the sad news of her mother's passing and she let Kaiu know that she would be taking up to two weeks of bereavement leave. In response, Kaiu jumped into action, helping to prep her mentor's Public Speaking class for the next two weeks, and supporting the substitute teachers who would be teaching in her mentor's classroom. Kaiu could not be there every day due to her class schedule at SU, but she went above and beyond to talk to the students about what had happened, and together they made cards and purchased flowers for her mentor teacher upon her return to school. Kaiu's mentor teacher was able to take the leave she needed and be with her family with less anxiety because she had Kaiu helping to support her students and the substitute teachers in her classroom. Secondary English education students have a lot on their plates, and Kaiu is no exception, but her commitment to her students, school, mentor teacher, and to the teaching profession is outstanding. This extra work she has done in her teaching internship reflects the Student Achievement Center's Core Values of Integrity, Innovation, and Teamwork."
September 2023 - James Montebell
Major: Computer Science
Minor: Math & Data Science
Hometown: Seaford, DE
Words of wisdom:
Always walk around with a smile! Give off the energy you want to receive and never ever doubt yourself. You’re capable of anything you set your mind to.Dr. Yaping Jing said, "James has played a big role as a student leader in computer science. He organized a team the past weekend and participated in a 24-hour intense Hackathon programming competition at UMBC and won the 3rd place among 50 team projects. He’s a strong group project leader in my COSC386 – database class this semester. He’s Math and Computer Science club president and holds regular meetings for Math and Computer Science students to engage in programming and academic related activities."
May 2023 - Jessica Tyler
Major: Early Childhood Education
Hometown: Parksley, VA
Words of wisdom:
Be authentic to yourself, but be receptive to new knowledge. As a non-traditional student, I was nervous about transferring from Eastern Shore Community College to Salisbury University. However, my transitioning to university life has been a wonderful experience because of professors like Dr. Alexia Buono. Dr. Alexia Buono’s pedagogical strategies offer students the support and encouragement needed to feel limitless in our educational pursuits. She engages students with texts and discussions that create a learning experience based on social justice education and causes her students to think more intentionally as a result of what they read. As a student, I have encountered powerful texts in her ELED 301 course that have inspired and impacted me tremendously. In the words of Bettina Love: “Too often we think the work of fighting oppression is just intellectual. The real work is personal, emotional, spiritual, and communal. It is explicit…”. In return, I promise to evoke the same inspiration and impact in the future of education.Dr. Alexia Buono said, "I highly recommend Jessica for the Scholar Holler award for her incredible work in and across my courses ELED 301 "Diversity in Education" and ELED 317 "Integrating Aesthetic Experiences in Teaching and Learning." Each week this month and semester, I have witnessed Jessica making personal and pedagogical meaning in her at-home reflection projects, where she provides honest and rigorous reflexivity on the content readings assigned and reflection prompts, I provide. I've seen her finding herself inside the readings and bringing that connection into our in-class discussions, activities, and collaborative lesson planning projects. Jessica does an outstanding job of demonstrating her critical awareness of how the major topics of each course apply in both her previous experiences as an aid in classrooms and her current experiences as a parent and teacher candidate. I am continually impressed by Jessica's ability to make cross-curricular connections between our Diversity and Aesthetics courses, particularly in her ability to reference scholars, authors, and ideas from one course in her support of group mates and collaboration projects in another course. Jessica is Freedom Dreaming about building her own school with some of her fellows in the program after graduation, and I can say now, what a powerful school this will be. I myself, a scholar of pedagogy and curriculum, am learning much about my own pedagogy practice by witnessing Jessica's learning journey across both my courses, and I am excited for the teacher she is becoming, and to be a part of her journey. I am honored to nominate Jessica for the Scholar Holler award, as she has many powerful "tips" for academic success and beyond to share to her fellow peers at SU.."
April 2023 - Grace DePanise
Major: Psychology and Gender and Sexuality Studies (IDIS)
Minor: Sociology
Hometown: Queenstown, Maryland
Words of wisdom:
Never think that you know too much! As college students we are attempting to become experts in our fields, but there is always more to learn and the chance to grow. As a queer student who cares about inclusivity and diversity learn, learn, and keep learning. Talk to as many peers as you can that don’t look like you, especially in our current climate we cannot afford to be ignorant about the unseen struggles of certain communities.Dr. Suzanne Osman said, "Grace DePanise is a scholar and a leader, with a strong interest in diversity topics. She is a double-major (Psychology; Gender and Sexuality Studies), has a minor in Sociology, is a member of Psi Chi (i.e., National Psychology Honors Society) and Omicron Delta Kappa (National Leadership Honors Society), and plans to attend graduate school. Grace has been working in my research lab and her interests led her to conduct a literature review, followed by an independent empirical investigation involving sexual minority women and victimization experience. Her project has been accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association this summer, and Grace also presented this project at the Salisbury University Student Research Conference in April. In addition, Grace is currently engaged in a second phase of this project examining outcome differences among several sexual identity groups and she is dedicated to continuing working toward further dissemination of this research, including pursuit of publication. Grace is also an outstanding leader on our campus as the President of the LGBTQ+ Alliance Club, to which she devotes much time and effort. Her leadership abilities and diversity work were also recognized by Salisbury University (SU) administration last semester, as she was invited and served as a student member on the Search Committee for SU’s new Director of Multicultural Affairs. In sum, Grace has done exceptional scholarly and leadership work, and I strongly recommend her for this recognition."
March 2023 - Vicky Vazquez
Major: ESOL K-12 Education and Spanish
Minor: Global and Ethnic Literature
Hometown: Berlin, Maryland
Words of wisdom:
Don’t be afraid to hop out of the boxes that you are rooted in, you are meant to expand beyond the confinement that is placed upon you. Embrace every little part of yourself and know that your success depends on your own perspective.
Para mi comunidad, los que no caben aquí ni allá, many times, you will be the only person without a seat at the table. And even when you grab a chair, no one will make room for you. This should only encourage you to build within, because if you’ve got a community behind you, there is no way you can lose that game of musical chairs.Dr. Farzad Karimzad said, "Vicky's academic accomplishments are nothing short of impressive. As a junior, she is already double-majoring in Spanish and ESOL K-12 certification, while also minoring in Global and Ethnic Literature. The dedication and hard work required to excel in one major, let alone two, is remarkable, and Vicky has managed to do so with apparent ease. Her passion for language and culture has driven her to pursue a diverse range of courses and extracurricular activities, all while maintaining an exceptional academic record.
In addition to excelling in her coursework, Vicky has demonstrated a remarkable commitment to research and scholarship. At the MACLAS (Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies) conference hosted at Salisbury University in March 10-11, Vicky presented a paper titled “Voice and language as a method of reconquest in Rigoberta Menchú: An Indian Woman in Guatemala” as part of a panel on Poetics of Resistance in Central America and the Caribbean, and was delivered in Spanish with a written translation provided in English. Vicky's paper analyzes the testimony of Rigoberta Menchú and its significance for her Maya-Quiché community, which has faced exclusion and marginalization in a mixed-race society. She specifically explores the ways in which Menchú's narrative serves as a method of reconquest from European colonization and modern-day neocolonialism, and how her cultural identity and bilingualism are essential components of this struggle for social justice. The paper was met with high praise from fellow presenters and audience members. As part of her final project for my Bilingualism class, Vicky is further developing this project into a publishable journal article.
In addition to her academic achievements and research endeavors, Vicky is deeply involved in extracurricular activities and community service. She serves on the Executive Board of the Organization of Latin American Students and Phi Sigma Iota on campus and has been accepted to join the Delta Alpha Pi chapter of Salisbury University. Vicky's commitment to serving her community is also demonstrated through her regular volunteer work at the Newton Street Community Center in Salisbury. There, she works to foster a connection between students and literature in both their home languages and English. Vicky's dedication to using her talents and skills to benefit those around her is a testament to her character and her commitment to making a positive impact in the world. Overall, Vicky's excellent academic record, impressive research and presentation, and deep commitment to social justice and community service make her an outstanding candidate for the March 2023 Scholar Holler. Her ability to balance multiple academic pursuits and excel in each of them, while also making meaningful contributions to her community, is truly remarkable. Vicky is a scholar and educator with a bright future ahead of her, and her achievements thus far are truly deserving of recognition and celebration."
Dr. Ricardo Vazquez said, "During March, the student maintained her high commitment to learning through her active participation in classes, making valuable contributions to our debate on the development of radio and television in Latin America. In addition, she has continued her work as secretary of the Organization of Latin American Students (OLAS) and Phi Sigma Iota (PSI). Furthermore, Vicky Vazquez coordinated and participated in community activities such as the Sobremesa conversation hour at the El Primo Taquería restaurant, organized by OLAS, to offer a cultural meeting space where students can practice Spanish and Latino food. Finally, I would like to highlight that Vicky Vázquez successfully presented a paper at the Middle Atlantic Council for Latin American Studies (MACLAS) conference. Her paper, "Voice and language as a method of request in Me llamo Rigoberta Mench: An Indian Woman in Guatemala" generated a productive academic debate among the scholars attending the event. I must say that Vazquez was one of the only four undergraduate students who participated in this conference held between March 10 and 11 at Salisbury University. I believe that her academic excellence, commitment to research, and community service as a member of OLAS make her deserving of this recognition."
February 2023 - Joshua Killen
Major: New Media Art
Hometown: Sacramento, CA
Words of wisdom:
Education is an experience designed to unlock a world of opportunities, all the effort you put in in addition to the connections you make here determine the path you take in the future. Work hard and work with others often, create connections that expand beyond your time here. Stay focused and committed to your studies, and success will surely follow.Dr. William Wolf said, "Josh has been an exemplary student for four years; he has a 3.927 gpa, and until recently was working to complete a minor in Computer Science (I think he will be one course short, but for life reasons needs to graduate this semester). I first had him in class in Spring 2019, and he has been an A student in four of my classes now. Currently, he is taking a full course load, working towards installing his BFA exhibition and is currently holding a solo exhibition in the Student Art Center. With both of these bodies of work, he is pioneering the use of 3D printing and new technology combined with traditional sculpture while making two unique bodies of work. It’s an impressive feat. Additionally, Josh is a student worker in the Sculpture area. I head the sculpture area and was out with Covid from February 13-21. With no one in the Art department available to substitute for my classes, Josh stepped in and was able to assist students in both of my classes (sculpture is taught in a physical studio with potentially dangerous equipment) and help as a liaison with IT while I monitored classes and was forced to zoom into my own classroom. This was instrumental in keeping my classes going this semester, and he deserves to be honored for this."
Past Recipients
- December 2022 - Grayson Fipps
- November 2022 - Kayli Shaw
- October 2022 - Francis LopezChilel
- September 2022 - Alonzo Strickland
- April 2022 - Madison Darrah
- April 2022 - Madison Darrah
- March 2022 - Shemar Watts
- February 2022 - Tieryn Gingerich Heishman
- December 2021 - Caitlyn Edman
- November 2021 - Soleil Darbouze
- October 2021 - Gabrielle Swilley
- September 2021 - Ethan Robbins
- April 2021 - Kamryn Tross
- March 2021 - Marrissa Izykowicz and Kayla Wagerman
- November 2020 - Isabella Gordon
- October 2020 - Bilal Chaudhry
- September 2020 - Jamie Nicholson
- April 2020 - Nathaniel Sansom
- March 2020 - Ashley Olortegui
- February 2020 - Andrea Cottingham
- February 2020 - Austin Dabbs
- November 2019 - Amar Naboulsi
- October 2019 - Harrison Leon
- September 2019 - Courtney (Nicole) Hammond
- April 2019 - Jade Gomez
- March 2019 - Taylor Garner and Robert Guy
- February 2019 - Gina Santoriello
- October 2018 - Noah Cline
- September 2018 - Lauren Delong
- May 2018 - Nelcy Denice Avila
- April 2018 - Brendan Wille
- March 2018 - Kelly Surkovich
- February 2018 - Diamond Brown
- November 2017 - Storm Galloway
- October 2017 - Arthur Lembo
- September 2017 - Danielle Amanda Walker
- April 2017 - Nicholas Anthony Carlini
- March 2017 - Juliet Vapsva
- February 2017 - Kristy Trojan
- November 2016 - Brittany Bursa
- October 2016 - Aaron Wall
- September 2016 - Megan Newcomer
- April 2016 - Nicholas Carlini
- March 2016 - Katherine Potvin
- February 2016 - Aaron Wilson
- December 2015 - Christy Bertolaccini
- November 2015 - Alex Potocko
- October 2015 - John Talbot
- September 2015 - Megan Mahedy
- May 2015 - Zach Grogan & Rachel Lisk
- April 2015 - Kirsten Hawkins
- March 2015 - Andrea Korell
- February 2015 - Maryam Aboul-Enein