Salisbury University students on campus

Research Compliance

Conducting Research at SU

The Office of Sponsored Programs assist faculty with any training or compliance required by their grant, their sponsor, or federal regulations.

If you are doing research on humans or animals, regardless of the funding source, you must apply for review by the IRB and/or IACUC committees.

Below are additional trainings and certifications required for specific funding sources. However, the office of Sponsored Programs encourages all faculty and student researchers to take advantage of these free educational tools.

National Science Foundation - Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)

As of January 4, 2010, all individuals conducting research funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) are required to complete Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training. For specific policies regarding RCR compliance regulations.

Responsible Conduct of Research Online Training Modules

  • Certification of completion for each module is valid for three years.  To maintain your compliance certification, you must re-take the training modules once every three years. 
  • All training certification records are maintained by Graduate Studies and Research.  Please contact us if you have questions regarding your certification status.  
  • The below modules are delivered through CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative). Please register/log-in through the "Log In Through My Organization" tab using your SU single sign on and complete the CITI online registration form. Select Salisbury University Courses; Add a Course.
  1. Laboratory/Field Animal Welfare
  2. Human Subjects Research
  3. Responsible Conduct of Research

IRB - Institutional Review Board
You must submit an application to IRB if your research involves humans

IACUC - Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
You must submit an application to IACUC if your research involves animals