Consortium Committees
Traffic, Safety, Buildings and Grounds Committee
The purpose of the committee shall be to develop and recommend traffic and safety rules and regulations, and function as a clearing-house for concerns regarding existing buildings and the campus environment. It shall encourage the academic community's involvement both in the early stages of new building planning and landscape development and in the final stages of project planning. This will enable the entire campus community to have the opportunity to review architectural plans and offer suggestions and design recommendations before plans are officially adopted and construction begins.
- Chief of Police (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Assistant Director of Physical Plant for Building Trades (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Assistant Director of Physical Plant for Horticulture (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Jeffrey Emmert (2021-2024)
- Meghan East (2022-2025)
- Emily Zerrenner (2023-2026)
- Candace Henry (2021-2024)
- Stacie Malone (2022-2025)
- Vacant (Staff) (3-year term)
- Vacant (Student) (2023-2024)
- Vacant (Student) (2023-2024)
- Vacant (Student) (2023-2024)
Facilities Management Advisory Committee
The purpose of the committee shall be to review the utilization of space within University buildings, evaluate requests for space within buildings, and to make recommendations for assigning space within buildings consistent with the mission of the institution.
- Vice President for Administration and Finance (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Registrar (ex-officio, voting)
- Representative from Facilities Reservation (ex-officio, voting)
- Director of Physical Plant (ex-officio, voting)
- Director of Physical Facilities and Planning (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Meghan East (2022-2024)
- Suzanne Osman (2022-2024)
- J. Michael Desper (2023-2025)
- Vacant (Staff) (2-year term)
- Vacant (Student) (2023-2024)
- Vacant (Student) (2023-2024)
Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Committee
The purpose of the committee shall be to assist campus leadership in weaving the diversity strategy throughout the University through providing advice, monitoring the campus climate as it relates to diversity, inclusion and equity, advocating for diversity and inclusion throughout the institution, advising on the recruitment and retention of a diverse faculty, staff and student body, developing programs and initiatives to promote the University’s diversity goals and support community members, building networks to support the diversity mission, monitoring implementation of diversity goals of the Strategic Plan, and assessing progress and setting goals for improvement.
- Associate Vice President for Institutional Equity (ex-officio, non-voting)
- 2 Students from Multi-Cultural Alliance, 1-year term (non-voting)
- Student from National Pan-Hellenic Council, 1-year term (non-voting)
- Student from National Panhellenic Conference, 1-year term (non-voting)
- Student from Interfraternity Council, 1-year term (non-voting)
- Student from Letters, 1-year term (non-voting)
- Student from Students for a Safer Community, 1-year term (non-voting)
- Representatives from Administrative Offices (non-voting)
- Kevin Birch, HIST, 2023-2025, At-Large
- Aurelie Van de Wiele, MDFL, 2024-2027, At-Large
- Christina Bradley, BIOL, 2023-2026, At-Large
- Cara Wade, ART, 2024-2026, At-Large
- Vacant (Staff Senate) (3-year term)
- Vacant (Staff Senate) (3-year term)
- Vacant (Adjunct Faculty Caucus) (1-year term)
- Vacant (Adjunct Faculty Caucus) (1-year term)
- Vacant (Graduate Student Council) (1-year term)
- Vacant (Graduate Student Council) (1-year term)
- Vacant (Student Government Association) – Director of Diversity (1-year term)
- Vacant (Student Government Association) (1-year term)
- Vacant (Student Government Association) (1-year term)
- Vacant (Student Government Association) (1-year term)
Fiscal Advisory Committee
The purpose of the committee shall be to make recommendations regarding the University’s fiscal resources.
- Vice President for Administration and Finance (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Representative from Salisbury University Foundation (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Timothy Dunn, SOCI, (Chair of the Faculty Senate’s Financial Oversight Committee)
- Suzanne Osman, PSYC, 2023-2026, At-Large
- Steven Hetzler, MATH, 2024-2027, At-Large
- Vacant (Faculty) (3-year term)
- Vacant (Faculty) (3-year term)
- Lisa Gray (Staff) (2022-2025)
- Vacant (Staff) (3-year term)
- Vacant (Staff) (3-year term)
- Vacant (Student) (2024-2025)
- Vacant (Student) (2024-2025)
Government Relations Committee
The purpose of the committee is to work collaboratively with the Director of Government and Community Relations in monitoring State and Federal legislative horizons and in responding to issues affecting higher education and Salisbury University.
- Chief of Staff and Director of Government and Community Relations (ex-officio, non- voting)
- Shannon James (CUSS rep) (2024-2025)
- Maida Finch, EDCI, (CUSF rep) (2024-2025)
- Ben Nevgloski (USMSC rep) (2024-2025)
- Dean Kotlowski, HIST, 2024-2026, At-Large
- Ryan Shifler, MATH, 2024-2026, At-Large
- Maida Finch, EDCI, 2023-2025, At-Large
- Ignaciyas Soosaipillai, CADR, 2024-2025, At-Large
- Vacant (Staff) (2-year term)
- Vacant (Staff) (2-year term)
- Vacant (Student) (2024-2025)
- Vacant (Student) (2024-2025)
The Committee on Wellness
The purpose of the committee is to promote a campus environment that promotes the health of all members of the University community.
- Associate Vice President of Human Resources (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Director of Student Health Services (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Alcohol Educator/Wellness Coordinator (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Director of Student Counseling Services (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Meredith Patterson (2021-2024)
- Taehyun Nam (2024)
- Jacqueline Messner (2024)
- Vacant (Staff) (3-year term)
- Vacant (Staff) (3-year term)
- Vacant (Staff) (3-year term)
- Vacant (Student) (2023-2024)
- Vacant (Student) (2023-2024)
- Vacant (Student) (2023-2024)
Information Technology Committee
The purpose of this committee is to advise the Chief Information Office and the Information Technology Department concerning campus technology needs, priorities governing computer use, and software and hardware products provided through the campus network.
- Chief Information Officer (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Director of Information Technology (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Autumn Romanowski (2022-2025) – CHHS
- Rachel Weber (2023-2026) – CHHS
- Jacques Koko (2021-2024) – Fulton
- Michelle Fletcher (2023-2026) – Fulton
- Sang-Eon Park (2021-2024) – Henson
- Jathan Austin (2024-2027) - Henson
- Christopher Woodall (2021-2024) – Library
- Jennifer Schermerhorn (2022-2025) – Library
- Robert Luttrell (2023-2024) – Perdue
- Brent Zaprowski (2023-2026) – Perdue
- Gurupriya Ramanathan (2023-2024) – Seidel
- Andrea Suk (2023-2026) – Seidel
- Vacant (Staff member – exempt) (3-year term)
- Vacant (Staff member – exempt) (3-year term)
- Vacant (Staff member – non-exempt) (3-year term)
- Vacant (Staff member – non-exempt) (3-year term)
- Vacant (Student) (2023-2024)
- Vacant (Student) (2023-2024)
Updated 10/28/2022