Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate is the recognized voice of the faculty at Salisbury University, representing faculty through the process of shared governance. The Senate seeks ways to improve communication and collaborative decision making between all levels of the University. In addition, the Senate acts as an advisory and consultative body to the President on all matters that may affect the attainment of the University's educational objectives and goals.
- Faculty Senate Bylaws
- Faculty Senate Standing Rules
- Faculty Senate President Joerg Tuske will hold Office Hours on Thursdays from 2-3 pm in the Dudley-Eshbach Faculty Center (AC 230). If you have any concerns, questions or suggestions, please drop by for a chat. You are also welcome to contact him outside of this time slot, of course.
- Faculty Fridays are held from 4-6 pm in the Dudley-Eshbach Faculty Center (AC 230):
Fall Semester 2024September 6November 8
- Spring Semester 2025
February 7- April 4

- Do you have an issue or concern that you would like the Senate (or a Senate committee) to consider? Please send your comments to the Senate President, Joerg Tuske.
- Senate meetings are open and generally held Tuesday afternoons from 3:30-5 pm in HS 103.
- Faculty Senate Meeting Schedule 2024-25
- Meeting Agendas and Minutes
- The Senate Parliamentarian is Jennifer Martin.
Faculty Senate Officers 2024-25
- President: Joerg Tuske
- Vice President: David Keifer
- Secretary: Erin Weber
- Webmaster: Jeffrey Emmert
List of Faculty
This list includes all faculty who meet the definition of Faculty defined in the Bylaws of the Salisbury University Faculty Senate, Article I, Section 3 .
General Education
The Faculty Senate has been working to foster the transition to the new general education program.
Additional information may be found here:
Other Important Links
Please contact the Senate Webmaster, Jeffrey Emmert, with any questions, additions, or corrections.