maroon wave
Center for Student Involvement & Leadership

Leadership Programs

Sea Gulls Who Soar

  • A recognition program conducted monthly to recognize a member of the flock for outstanding contributions to the Sea Gull Community. 

    Sea Gulls Who Soar

Sea Gull Camp

  • Sea Gull Camp is an opportunity for new Sea Gulls to make friends, learn about campus traditions and campus life, and build leadership skills! 

    Sea Gull Camp

Golden Gull Awards

  • An annual event hosted by the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership to recognize the outstanding contributions to the Sea Gull community because of their leadership. 

    Golden Gull Awards

Leadershape® Institute

  • A national program available to students. Leadershape® is a highly interactive, energizing, leadership development retreat designed to help students learn to lead with integrity over the course of six intensive, life-changing days. 

    Leadershape® Institute
  • Group photo during leadership event
  • Group photo of students at leadership event
  • Student holds leadership award
  • Group of student doing volunteer work
  • Students walking onto SU Stadium field
  • Student leaders writing on whiteboard
  • Group photo during leadership event
  • Group photo of students at leadership event