maroon wave
Support, Advocacy, Empowerment



  • SU Cares only sends notifications for absences related to the Emergency Absence Policy (PDF)
  • Faculty/Staff should not be withholding a student’s access to an assignment or exam until SU Cares sends a notification toward the end of any semester.

Students of Concern

  • When making a referral to SU Cares for a student of concern, please provide as much information as possible. It is generally advised that the student be informed a referral is being made and why.
  • If you believe a student has violated a policy, please consult with the office of Student Accountability & Community Standards.

Medical Withdrawals

  • The Case Manager cannot advise a student to withdraw, but can provide support and information to help the student make an informed decision.
  • It is suggested you do not suggest a student medically withdraw from your course because they failing. Suggest the student reach out to a case manager for support.
  • Be advised, a student should be referred to Academic Advising, the Registrar’s Office or Case Management if they have mentioned they are going to medically withdraw. Any sort of withdrawal has a financial impact on the student.


  • SU Cares is not a decision-making office. We adhere to University policy and use any information received to advocate for and with students.