maroon wave
Support, Advocacy, Empowerment


Emergency Absence Policy

  • If you need to miss classes for any reason and you are able, you need to notify ALL of your professors in writing.
  • If you meet the criteria for an emergency absence, please submit an Emergency Absence Notification and upload your documentation (if you have it). While you CAN submit a notification without documentation, it is important to note that you can still be docked points for being absent even though you are allowed to make up missed work. All final decisions are at the discretion of your professor. If you are having an issue related to an absence, you need to follow up with the department chair or Dean of that college.
  • Please be advised SU Cares’ notifications can take up to 7 days before a notification is sent. Students will be copied on the notification and all professors are blind copied.
  • SU Cares reserves the right to deny sending a notification.


  • Students who sustain injuries may qualify for temporary accommodations and those are handled with the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Visit their  Temporary Accommodations web page for more.
  • The DRC handles all official accommodations. However, they are not retroactive. Visit their Requesting Accomodations page for more information.

Additional Resources

If you are:

  • Homeless
  • Have food insecurity
  • Need health insurance

SUCARES can help!

If you have questions/concerns that this site does not address, please contact us!