Goal 3: Support Access, Affordability and Academic Excellence

Metric 1
Increase enrollment and graduate student percentage of total population
Increase enrollment and grad % of total population
Total Institutional Enrollment
Metric 2
Increase enrollment of minority students and other demographics
Increase enrollment of minority students icon
Minority Percentage of Total Institutional Enrollment
Metric 3
Increase enrollment of First generation students
First generation students – track and increase enrollment icon
First Generation Percentage of first-time students
Metric 4
Increase New Student Yields
Increase new first-time and transfer student yields
Student Yield for First-Time Students
Metric 5
Improve US News rankings
US News & World Report: Best Regional Universities in the North Ranking
US News & World Report: Best Regional Universities in the North Ranking
Metric 6
Increase grants awarded
Increase grants icon
Total Grant Amount Awarded