Goal 4: Deepen Engagement with Our Community

Metric 1
Increase community partnerships
Increase community partnerships
Metric 2
Number of bachelor’s degrees produced annually
grad cap icon
Bachelor's degrees produced annually
Metric 3
Number of bachelor’s degrees awarded annually in STEM and Health Care related fields
STEM and Health Care icon
Bachelor's degrees awarded annually in STEM and Heath Care related fields
Metric 4
Number of teacher program completers produced annually
teacher at blackboard icon
Teacher program completers produced annually
Metric 5
Percentage of bachelor’s degrees awarded annually to underrepresented minority students
underrepresented minority students icon
Of bachelor's degrees awarded annually to underrepresented minority students

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Metric 1
Increase community partnerships
Increase community partnerships
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Metric 2
Number of bachelor’s degrees produced annually
grad cap icon
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Metric 3
Number of bachelor’s degrees awarded annually in STEM and Health Care related fields
Number of bachelor’s degrees awarded annually in STEM and Health Care related fields
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Metric 4
Number of teacher program completers produced annually
teacher at blackboard icon
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Metric 5
Percentage of bachelor’s degrees awarded annually to underrepresented minority students
teacher at blackboard icon
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