Goal 5 - Metric 1

On-campus Sustainability Initiatives

Goal 5 - Metric 1
  • Recycling
  • Green roof
  • student events
  • solar panels
  • Recycling bin
  • ORCA digester
  • Recycling
  • Green roof

Green Fund

The Salisbury University Green Fund is a unique program designed to improve environmental sustainability at SU by giving students a say in how their sustainability fees are spent.


Food for the Flock

Started in Fall 2018, Food for the Flock aims to decrease food insecurity among college students. Specifically, Food for the Flock provides non-perishable food, cosmetic, cleaning, and limited dairy products to Salisbury University students in need. In this non-judgmental space, SU students may visit and fill-up two bags with any items one per week. In addition to providing items, Food for the Flock strives to make the campus and community aware of food insecurity through informational graphics and social media posts.

sammy's stash store logo

Sammy's Stash

Sammy’s Stash is an expansion off the Give & Go Donation Program, which started in May of 2022. This Strategic Innovation Fund Program supports the University’s commitment to the Seven Goals and Strategic Plan. Sammy’s Stash promotes economic, environmental, and social sustainability while supporting the initiatives of inclusion, affordability, and equity to all.

880 pounds of items have been recirculated to the SU Community (as of 12/9/2024)