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Federal Student Loan Counseling & Master Promissory Notes (MPN)

First-time Borrowers

First time borrowers must complete an entrance counseling session as well as sign a master promissory note for any loans that they choose to accept. The entrance counseling sessions can be completed online and usually only needs to be done once. Entrance counseling covers comprehensive information on the terms and conditions of the loan and of the borrower’s responsibilities. Most promissory notes will also only need to be completed once. Both requirements must be completed before the loan can be disbursed.

Exit Counseling

Students who have received federal direct loans must complete exit counseling each time their enrollment drops below half-time, whether that is because they have graduated, left school, or for any other reason. Exit counseling provides important information to help you prepare for the repayment process for your federal student loan(s). Here is the link to federal loan exit counseling.