Limited Campus Opening Friday, January 10
maroon wave


The Institute of Retired Persons (IRP) has been affiliated with Salisbury University since 1980. Targeted for adults aged 50 and above, the IRP offers programs to enhance the lives of members by providing opportunities for social interactions, intellectual stimulation, recreation and travel. IRP also supports the educational mission of Salisbury University by providing annual scholarship awards to meritorious students.

The IRP meets at 2 p.m. Tuesdays at the MAC Center on Snow Hill Road (map) in Salisbury during the University's Spring and Fall semesters. Membership is open to all at a small yearly fee.

Download the IRP Membership Application and join us:

Membership Application Waiver and Non-Member Waiver (PDF)

The IRP annual membership fee is $35, payable prior to or at the first attended meeting. Application may also be mailed to: Institution of Retired Persons, Salisbury University, Box 3222, 1101 Camden Avenue, Salisbury, Maryland 21801.

Please mail completed from and payment to:

IRP, Salisbury University,
Box 3222 1101 Camden Avenue
Salisbury, Maryland 21801

Current IRP Officers

Speaker Program

During SU’s fall and spring semesters, IRP offers a Speaker Program. Speakers include regional business and civic leaders, SU faculty members and others who share their expertise and life experiences. Lectures are informative, engaging and entertaining.

The Speaker Program is held on Tuesdays from 2-3 p.m. at the MAC Center located at 909 Progress Circle, just off Snow Hill Road.

IRP Clubs

IRP sponsors several clubs to provide opportunities for social interaction, recreation and activity. Current member-led clubs include: Book Club, Cycling-Kayaking Club (aka Leisure Biyakers), Walking-Hiking Club, Touring Club, and Movie Night Club. All are welcome.

University Benefits

In addition to enjoying faculty presentations, IRP members are eligible to apply for a University Community Access Pass and may obtain restricted SU parking passes at a discount.

Positive Contributions

IRP membership dues provide annual scholarships to one or more University students who excel in their studies, contribute to the community and are in need of financial support. The scholarship recipients are invited to visit during one of our luncheons to share their academic plans and personal aspirations.

IRP participates in faculty research projects to lend senior expertise and perspective which helps diversify and enhance the richness of datasets and findings.

IRP holds a seat on the University’s Town-Gown Council to facilitate collaboration on initiatives that effect seniors in our community.