Vinita Agarwal
- Purdue University, PhD, Communication, 2009
- University of Illinois at Chicago, MA, Communication, 2004
Areas of Expertise
- Health and Well-Being Communication
- Whole Health, Person-Centered Communicative Approach
- Health and Social Justice
Vinita Agarwal, Ph.D. (Purdue University, 2009) is Professor of Communication in the Department of Communication at Salisbury University, Maryland, where she offers graduate and undergraduate courses in strategic communication including Health Communication, Health Engagement & Advocacy, Health Behavior Change, International Public Relations, Digital Strategy, and Digital Public Relations. Her research theorizes the relations between ecosustainability and intersubjectivity in conceptualizing whole person care in health and healing. She is the author of two books on the whole person health approach: Health Communication as Social Justice: A Whole Person Activist Approach (Routledge, 2024) and Medical Humanism, Chronic Illness, and the Body in Pain: An Ecology of Wholeness (2020, Lexington Press). Grounded in principles of global health ethics (WHO), One Health (CDC), and whole-person health (NCCIH), her research foregrounds an experiential, relational, and dialogic approach.
Her work has been published in Health Communication, Qualitative Health Research, Frontiers in Pain Research, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Frontiers Integrative Neuroscience, and the Journal of Patient Experience. She has authored encyclopedia entries on yoga and Ayurveda for the International Encyclopedia of Health Communication (published by ICA) and the Palgrave Encyclopedia for Health Humanities (in press) and several book chapters including on the semi-structured interviewing method for SAGE Handbook of Medicine and Health and the Handbook of Communication in (Pre & Post) Pandemics: South Asian Perspectives on Securing Health and Well-Being (in progress). Her paper on whole person health frameworks integrating whole system medicine and whole person health approaches was recently recognized as the Top 2 Outstanding Article Award (2024) by the Spiritual Communication Division of National Communication Association (NCA).
Her work has been presented in top paper panels at NCA, Eastern Communication Association, and Central States Communication Associations. She has over 60 solo-authored, competitively selected presentations in national and international conferences including the International Congress for Integrative Medicine and Health and the International Association of Yoga Therapy and is the recipient of the Fulton Award for Excellence in Scholarship and the University System of Maryland Women’s Health Foundation Award.
As SU, she currently serves as chair on the department's Faculty Development Committee (including as its T&P chair) and as member on Fulton School's DEI Committee (2023–2025). She has been a past member of the Salisbury University Student Research Conference (SUSRC; 2011–2016); served as Faculty Co-Advisor, Lambda Pi Eta Communication honors society (2011–2018); as Director of the newly founded Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (Fall 2015–Spring 2016), and as member (2020–2021) and chair (2021–2022), SU Membership & Elections Committee.
She is the recipient of the Presidential Citation Award from NCA’s President for her service including her role serving as past chair of the Teaching and Learning Council (2021–2023; member 2017–2020) and as its past Executive Committee member (2021–2023). In leadership positions at NCA, she has also served member of the Legislative Assembly (2020–2023) and as past officer and chair (2022) of the Feminist and Gender Studies Division (2018–2022). She is the owner of Whole Person Health Consulting, LLC.