maroon wave

Admissions Open House November 21

SALISBURY, MD--Alumni from throughout Salisbury State University's 73-year history and dozens of people who were at one time the University's youngest students will join today's campus community to celebrate Reunion/Homecoming Weekend 1998 from Friday, October 16 to Sunday, October 18.

More than 200 people who were teachers, student teachers, students and parents of the former Campus Elementary School will come back to Salisbury State for their first reunion since the school closed in 1968. Opened in 1925 in Salisbury Normal School's Holloway Hall and relocated to the new Caruthers Hall in 1954, it served the community as an elementary school while providing prospective teachers a place to work on the practical aspects of teaching. The Campus Elementary School closed in 1968, as teaching experiences in public schools replaced on-campus demonstration schools, but not before becoming a cherished part of childhood for its students and of campus life for the adults associated with it.

"The students who went there felt almost as though they were part of the college life. Particularly when the college was still very small, they felt very connected, because the college students took them on shopping trips and to campus events," said Roy S. Perdue, alumni relations director.

"These Campus Elementary School students have a close affinity for Salisbury State, and they've asked for this reunion many times over the years."

Campus Elementary School memorabilia, including historical papers recently recovered from the cornerstone of Caruthers Hall, and a book filled with photos, student papers and news clippings about the school, will be displayed in the Great Hall. The Salisbury State Dance Company will bring back memories with a re-creation of the Maypole/June Joyance dance on Holloway Hall lawn, using the original Maypole and streamers.

Reunion/Homecoming Weekend will serve as a get-together for several graduating classes and disciplines. This year, the classes of 88, 73, 58 and 48 are planning social activities, for which alumni received special invitations. People who have been involved with campus radio station WSUR (formerly WSSC) during its 25 years are invited to a celebration, the Social Work Department hosts a gathering for its 25th anniversary and veterans of the University's Algonquin canoe trips will reunite to share the memories.

Other activities designed to welcome back alumni include the Athletic Hall of Fame Reception and Banquet, a Genealogical Symposium, Alumni Association meeting, alumni vs. varsity swim meet, reunion luncheon, block party, the ninth annual SSU Variety Show, an exhibit of Yousuf Karsh's portrait photographs of 20th century personalities, an SSU Theatre Production of Van Burgh's comedy The Relapse and the field hockey and football teams both play against the College of New Jersey.

"Reunion/Homecoming Weekend creates opportunities and reasons for alumni to come back so they can rediscover the welcoming atmosphere at Salisbury State, renew old acquaintances and make new friends," Perdue said.

For information on Homecoming/Reunion Weekend 1998, call the SSU Office of Alumni Relations at 410-543-6042, or toll-free 1-888-SBY-ALUM.