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SSU Participates in NCAA CHAMPS/Life Skills Program

SALISBURY, MD--Salisbury State University, a Division III institution that supports over 400 student athletes, announced today that it, along with 43 other NCAA institutions, was accepted into the 1998 class of the NCAA CHAMPS/Life Skills Program.

The CHAMPS/Life Skills Program was developed by the NCAA Foundation in 1991 and launched in 1994 as a total development program for student athletes. It supports student development initiatives and works to enhance the quality of the student athlete experience within the university setting. Forty-six (46) NCAA institutions participated in the first orientation session during the summer of 1994. Since then, approximately 50 new institutions have joined the program each year.

SSUâs Lawanda Dockins-Gordy, director of new student experience and the Guerrieri University Center, along with Dr. Michael Vienna, director of athletics, will participate in an orientation seminar February 11-13, in San Diego, CA. According to Dockins-Gordy, "This new orientation option will provide an opportunity for student athletes to acquire core orientation curriculum information specifically tailored to the student athletes at our institution." The new option is slated to be piloted in the fall along with the other orientation programs.