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$850,000 Gift Funds Science School Research

SALISBURY, MD--Science students at Salisbury State University will be conducting research with state-of-the-art laboratory instrumentation thanks to a $500,000 gift from the Guerrieri Family Foundation of Ocean City, MD. The State of Maryland, through the recently established Private Donation Incentive Program, supplemented the Guerrieri's gift with an additional $350,000.

The combined $850,000 will create the Guerrieri Research Endowment, which will be used for equipment purchases and research materials for students and faculty in the Richard A. Henson School of Science and Technology at SSU.

"Our family is proud to have an opportunity to contribute to the lasting benefit of the study of science at Salisbury State University," said Michael Guerrieri, a member of the board of directors of the Guerrieri Family Foundation. "SSU has a well- earned reputation as a leader in undergraduate research, and hopefully this gift will ensure that students will have the latest scientific technology to fully derive the benefits of active learning."

In grateful recognition of the gift, SSU will designate the new laboratory wing of its new science building the Guerrieri Laboratory Center. The science building, a $37 million, 145,500 gross square foot facility funded by the State, is scheduled to open in fall 2002.

"Faculty and their research students will be able to pursue research together that would have been impossible without the equipment this endowment will provide," said Dr. Tom Jones, dean of the Henson School.

"The lab that will benefit the most from the endowment will be an undergraduate research lab for molecular biology," said Jones. "Research-based investigative lab experiences are becoming more common in outstanding liberal arts colleges and universities. The implementation of state-of-the-art biological equipment will allow SSU to prepare students in a more dynamic way, augmenting their instruction with automated DNA sequencing instrumentation." Funds would also be used to support the new Henson School programs such as electrical engineering andcomputer science.

Maryland's Private Donation Incentive Program was established in 1999 to provide an added impetus to private giving to the state's universities and colleges.

"With PDIP, donors like the Guerrieri Family really have a great opportunity," said Martin Williams, vice president for University advancement at SSU. "Matching funds make a gift even bigger and more effective, and the State authorities have permitted these matching funds to be combined within the donor's gift restriction. It's a win win for everyone."


The Guerrieris and Salisbury State University Guerrieri Family Foundation board members: Alan Guerrieri, Michael Guerrieri and Cathi Chandler Guerrieri scholarship endowment, $1 million, February 1990 University Center renamed in honor of Guerrieris, 1990 Michael Guerrieri joins the SSU Foundation Board, Fall 1998 130 students from across all disciplines have been recipients of Guerrieri scholarships totaling some $400,000

Henson School of Science & Technology Richard Henson endowed School of Science & Technology, $2.5 million, May 1988 Richard A. Henson gift, equipment, $1 million, July 1998

New Science Building Information Projected cost: $37 million Size: 145,500 Gross Square Foot Opening Date: Fall 2002

Henson School of Science & Technology Degree Programs Biological Sciences Environmental Health (only one of its kind in University System of Maryland) Chemistry Geography and Geosciences Medical Technology (clinical laboratory sciences) Respiratory Therapy Mathematics Computer Science Nursing (Offers both Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees) Physics

Collaborative Programs Dual degree in biology and environmental/marine science (with University of Maryland Eastern Shore) Electrical Engineering Program (with University of Maryland Eastern Shore and University of Maryland College Park) Student Enrollment, Fall 1999: 1100 declared majors; 304 undeclared (28.5 percent of student body) Most Popular Major: Biology