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River City Puppets Join SU's Salisbury Symphony Orchestra March 7

River City Puppets Join SU's Salisbury Symphony Orchestra March 7

By SU Public Relations

Salisbury, MD---Puppeteer Dylan Shelton and his River City Puppets join the Salisbury Symphony Orchestra at Salisbury University (SSO) for the family concert “Puppet Paradise” 7:30 p.m., Friday, March 7, in Holloway Hall’s Jackson Family Auditorium.

Thomas Cheezum is the guest director.

Shelton is the founder of River City Puppets, a touring theatre that blends the arts of puppetry and storytelling. He also is a lead puppeteer for $martpath, an Emmy Award-winning web series for children. His puppetry has been featured in performances with the Cincinnati Opera and multiple symphony orchestras.

Tickets are $25; $20 for seniors; $10 for SU faculty and staff; $5 for students, available through SU’s online box office

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