maroon wave

Economic Forecast 2003 scheduled for January 16

SALISBURY, MD ---Which way will the stock market, fuel prices and land values be going in 2003? How will the political environment affect business? What changes should be considered in business and investment planning?

"Economic Forecast 2003," a joint presentation by the Small Business Development Center-Eastern Region, an outreach program of Salisbury University's Franklin P. Perdue School of Business, and the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce, provides answers to these and many other questions critical to future business success.

"Economic Forecast 2003" is on Thursday, January 16, from 8 a.m.-noon in the Commons building, Worcester Room, on the SU campus. The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce General Membership Luncheon follows the "Economic Forecast" with a related presentation.

The cost of the program is $40 for members of any Lower Shore chamber of commerce and $50 for non-members.

For more information or to register for the "Economic Forecast 2003," please call the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce at 410-749-0144 or email