maroon wave

Environmental Philosopher Julian Darley Speaks October 27

SALISBURY, MD---Environmental philosopher Julian Darley speaks 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 27, in Salisbury University’s Devilbiss Hall, Room 123. Darley’s presentation is titled “The Ruthless Guide to Global Oil Peak” and includes information from his recent book High Noon for Natural Gas--The New Energy Crisis. As director of the Post Carbon Institute, Darley explains why many eminent petroleum geologists and scientists now believe that the world is at the peak of oil production, how soon and how quickly production is likely to fall, and what some of the consequences are likely to be. He also outlines why North America is facing a natural gas crisis just when the world is supposed to be switching to “green, clean” gas. The lecture will conclude with both policy and personal strategies to help face a future with much less oil and gas. A question-and-answer session follows. Darley researches and writes non-market, non-technology-based responses to global environment issues. His degrees include a master’s in environment and sociology from the University of Surrey (United Kingdom), and a master’s in journalism and communication from the University of Texas. The talk is sponsored by the Richard A. Henson School of Science and Technology, and co-sponsored by SU's Environmental Students Association, the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Salisbury, the Peace Alliance of the Lower Shore and the Eastern Shore Sanctuary and Education Center. Admission is free, and the public is invited. For more information call 410-543-6030 or visit the SU Web site