Fulton School Dean Continues Brown Bag Lecture Series
Friday October 8, 2004
SALISBURY, MD---Dr. Timothy G. O’Rourke, dean and political scientist of Salisbury University’s Charles R. and Martha N. Fulton School of Liberal Arts, discusses “Did the Gerrymander Devour Our Congressional Elections?” noon Friday, October 29, in the University Gallery at Fulton Hall. O’Rourke’s presentation is part of SU’s Brown Bag Lunch Discussion series. The talk will focus on two interrelated elements—the history of congressional gerrymandering in the U.S. and the relatively small number of competitive House elections (in 2004, somewhere between 30 and 60 seats, out of 435, according to a recent Cook Political Report). O'Rourke earned his doctorate in political science from Duke University and has testified before congressional committees and in federal courts on various voting issues. The U.S. Supreme Court cited his testimony in the 1995 congressional redistricting case Miller v. Johnson. His articles on the federal Voting Rights Act have appeared in the Virginia Law Review, among other legal journals. The discussion is free and the public is invited; light refreshments will be served. For more information call 410-543-6030 or visit the SU Web site www.salisbury.edu.