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Great Leader Lecture Series

SALISBURY, MD--The Franklin P. Perdue School of Business Great Leader Lecture Series presents William R. Roberts, president of Verizon Maryland, Inc., as the featured speaker on Tuesday, March 12, at 3:30 p.m. in Holloway Hall Auditorium at Salisbury University. Admission is free and the public is invited.

Roberts, who oversees Verizon’s Maryland telephone operations, will speak on the importance of technology in today’s business world and how crucial it has become to a student’s education and leadership potential. Roberts will also discuss how a strong commitment to the community is worthwhile and enriches business success.

His dedication stems, in part, from his Eastern Shore roots. “As someone who grew up on the Eastern Shore, I know how important local communities are,” Roberts said. “Verizon is a Maryland company and our employees live and work here. Community service is a core value, and I am proud of our company and proud to be a part of this rich tradition of giving.”

Roberts contributes to many civic organizations. He serves as a member of the Maryland Economic Development Commission and is a board member of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, the Foundation for the National Archives, the Greater Baltimore Alliance and the Greater Baltimore Committee. Roberts is on the board of the Kennedy Krieger Institute, the Living Classrooms Foundation, the Maryland Business Roundtable for Education, the Maryland Chamber of Commerce and the National Aquarium in Baltimore. He serves on the board of trustees of Harbor Hospital Center and Villa Julie College and on Morgan State University’s board of regents. He also mentors homeless men at the Gospel Rescue Mission in Washington, D.C.

A graduate of Morgan State University with a Bachelor of Science in business administration, Roberts began his career with C&P Telephone in 1980 as a business office manager. He has held positions of increasing responsibility in operations, human resources, marketing, public affairs and government relations.

The Great Leader Lecture Series brings nationally acclaimed presidents and CEOs of major corporations to Salisbury University. Two lectures are held each year. For more information, please call the Perdue School at 410-543-6316.