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Jessup Makes Presentation at Johns Hopkins University

SALISBURY, MD---Michael Jessup, director of annual giving at Salisbury State University, was a guest speaker recently for first year medical students at Johns Hopkins University.

Jessup, who has received two organ transplants, spoke at an immunology lecture along with his doctor and surgeon, Dr. Lloyd Ratner, director of renal transplantation at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Ratner discussed immunological principles related to Jessup's three types of immunological diseases: Type 1 juvenile diabetes, live donor renal transplantation and cadaver donor pancreas transplantation.

Jessup talked about living with immunological diseases, how he protects himself from germs, his medications and how his body reacts to the medications and their side effects. He discussed what immunosuppressant drugs do and how important they are to his organs and body, and about his special relationship with his doctors.

"This was a very rewarding experience for me," said Jessup, "because many of these students will be the doctors of the future who will perform medical miracles on people like me."