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Juilliard Series Continues April 9

SALISBURY, MD---Romanian violinist Remus Azoitei performs in concert on Sunday, April 9, at 2 p.m. in the Wicomico Room in the Guerrieri University Center on the campus of Salisbury State University. Part of this spring's Juilliard Series, the concert is free and open to the public.

Azoitei made his New York debut at CAMI Hall in 1997, after winning the Eugene Sarbu Scholarship Award in Bucharest, Romania. He was presented by the Romanian Cultural Center in New York as the leader of the new generation of Romanian violinists.

Since his debut with Galatz Symphony Orchestra at the age of 8, Azoitei has performed extensively in Romania with all the major orchestras including the Romanian National Radio Symphony, George Enescu Philharmonic, the Moldova Philharmonic of Yassy and the Transylvania Philharmonic of Cluj-Napoca. He has also been a featured soloist with other orchestras abroad, such as the Weimar Symphony Orchestra, Jena Philharmonic and Orchestra de Camera de l'Emporda.

As a recitalist, Azoitei has performed throughout Europe and has appeared in the Dannenberg Chamber Music Festival (Germany), Saint Gregori Music Festival and Cadaquez Music Festival (Spain).

Azoitei has been a winner of many national and international competitions since the age of 6, when he received the Outstanding Young Performers Prize at the Ciprian Porumbescu National Competition in Suceava. In addition to winning first prize at Jeunnesses Musicales International Violin Competition (Bucharest ‘94), he has received top prizes at Germany's Wolfgang Marschner (Weimar) and Kloster Schontal International Violin Competitions (1992); the first prize and Honorary Silver Medal given by His Majesty Prince Paul of Romania for graduation from the Bucharest Academy of Music with the highest possible grade (1995); and the Cella Delavrancea prize given by the Romanian Government for valuable accomplishments in the field of culture (1992).

Azoitei is currently a master's student at Juilliard School in New York.

The Juilliard Series is sponsored by the Ad Hoc Committee on Spiritual Life and Cultural Affairs Council. For more information on Azoitei's performance please call the Salisbury State Public Relations Office at 410-543-6030.