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PowerNomics: The National Plan to Empower Black America

SALISBURY, MD---On Monday, March 4,2002, at 7:30 p.m. Salisbury University, in the Wicomico Room of the Guerrieri University Center, Dr. Claud Anderson, Executive Director of the Harvest Institute will make a major presentation entitled, “PowerNomics: The National Plan to Empower Black America”. This presentation is sponsored by the Office of Multiethnic Student Services and is free and open to the public.

In the book, “PowerNomics: The National Plan”, Dr. Anderson dismantles the myths and illusions of black progress. He constructs a framework for solutions by proposing new principles, strategies and concepts that show blacks and others who wish to help solve their problems, a new way to see, think and behave economically. The new PowerNomics mind set prepares blacks to take strategic steps to create a new reality. The action steps cover Education, Economics, Politics and Religion. The fresh bold solutions discussed in PowerNomics: The National Plan are born out of the author’s research and experience and lead to his vision of a new and prosperous black America.

Dr. Claud Anderson has successfully implemented social and economic change throughout his career. In addition to the seafood factory, he owns a vertically integrated publishing company and was one of the first blacks to own a radio station in Florida. During integration he was Coordinator of Education for the State of Florida under Governor Reuben Askew and held a number of high-level positions in national and state politics. Dr. Anderson also headed two economic development corporations. President Jimmy Carter appointed him to a position as Assistant Secretary in the U. S. Department of Commerce where he headed the Coastal Plains Regional Commission. In that position he worked with governors in the southeastern states to develop and fund economic development projects, including seafood. He is also President of the Harvest Institute, a black research, and education and advocacy organization. He is imminently qualified to offer a plan to empower Black America.