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SU Clinical Lab Program

SALISBURY, MD--- At Salisbury University, 100 percent of the Clinical Lab Science Medical Technology graduates in 2001 passed the national certification examination given by the American Society of Clinical Pathology.

Nationally, only about 80 percent of graduates in the field successfully pass the exam on the first attempt. In addition, the entire class of 2001 was immediately employed upon graduation. While some took jobs in traditional hospital laboratories, including Johns Hopkins Hospital, others are employed in less traditional settings such as a research lab in the National Cancer Institute and a zoological pathology lab in the University of Maryland.

The professional success of graduates in this program said Dr. Diane Davis, of SSU's Clinical Lab Science/Medical Technology Program, "is due to the quality of the clinical affiliates where students intern, the diligence of the faculty in maintaining the curriculum at the 'cutting edge' of laboratory medicine and the close attention every student receives in the classroom and laboratory."

Robert Lincoln, Jr., a graduate of the class of 2001, acknowledged the role his classes played in his success: "Class size was a plus. This allowed for a more open discussion/lecture, which provides a better learning environment. Plus having professors that give you an honest answer, no matter what the question may be, gained my respect from the first class."

Jobs are currently plentiful in the field of clinical laboratory science. "The combination of such a good job market and an educational program with a strong track record of graduate success on certification exams required to practice is a virtual guarantee of employment upon graduation," said Davis. "Students who have a strong interest in biology, chemistry or medicine should consider this challenging field."

Anyone who wants more information on the program is encouraged to contact Program Director Johanna Laird at 410-543-6364.