maroon wave

Safe Communities Meeting

SALISBURY, MD--- A program to combat drunk driving by college-age students is getting a new twist. On Tuesday, February 19, leaders from four institutions of higher learning on the Eastern Shore meet at Salisbury University to chart strategies for influencing a group of young people who are not usually the focus of planners: the underage drinker. "Traditionally, our activities have been geared to the over-21 crowd," said Chris Byrnes, Jr., regional safe communities director at SU. "This year, however, because of zero tolerance and other changes in the laws, we will be focusing on the younger, larger college population."

Along with SU, the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Wor-Wic Community College and Washington College are sharing a $10,000 grant to help them create education and prevention programs. At Salisbury, the money will be used for such things as literature, fatal vision goggles ("beer goggles"-which simulate intoxication), rental of an impaired driving simulator (a full size VW Bug that has

been rigged to simulate the reactions of an impaired driver), age verifying machines (checks and verifies state issued identification cards for over 21) and alcohol free block parties.

At the meeting from 10 a.m.-noon in the Calvert Room of the Commons, the four institutions will be discussing ideas for campus DWI/DUI intervention programs. For more information call Byrnes at 410-543-6309 or visit the SU Web site at