maroon wave

Sea Gull Century Committee Donates Funds to Habitat for Humanity

SALISBURY, MD---Members of the Salisbury State University Sea Gull Century Committee, Gains Hawkins, Jim Phillips and Stan Shedekar, recently presented a donation of $18,386 to Gary Dejardins, president of Habitat for Humanity on the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland. The gift was the result of funds donated by the committee and cyclists participating in the 1999 Sea Gull Century. The contribution will be used by students in the fall to construct Habitat housing in Salisbury.

In addition to this year's donation the Sea Gull Century Committee has donated some $64,000 to 23 community organizations. The Sea Gull Century is a 100 mile/100 kilometer bicycle ride on the Eastern Shore and last year had 6,430 participants from 38 states, Canada and England.

Sea Gull Century 2000 is on October 14. For more information call 410-548-2772 or visit the Century Web site at