Wayne Street Garage

Parking Services

Office Relocation

Please note: the Parking Services office has moved from Holloway Hall to the University Police/East Campus Complex.

All vehicles parking on Salisbury University property (for any amount of time) must have a registered parking permit with Parking Services. Please see below in the Parking Permit Purchases for students and employees. For Visitors, please visit the Visitor & Event Campus Parking section for a free permit. 

In December 2021, Parking Services partnered with T2 for our permit and enforcement system. T2 was founded in 1994 with a goal of making parking better. Since then they have aligned with many universities, municipalities, and healthcare facilities to make parking easier and more efficient for all involved. Below is a link to FAQ. We are excited about our new partnership with T2.

Note: Due to the Blackwell renovations, the Camden Lot, lot F is closed through Fall 2026.

Parking Permit Information

What Lots Can You Park With Your Parking Permit?

  • Main Campus Lots All Day/Night – Green, Red & Visitor Permits
  • East Campus Lots All Day/Night – Green, Red, Orange, Purple & Visitor Permits
  • Parking Garage All Day/Night – Purple, Green, Red & Visitor Permits
  • Main Campus Lots and East Campus Lots – 4:45 p.m.-7:45 a.m. Green, Red, Blue, Orange, Purple & Visitor Permits
  • Parking Garage – 4:45 p.m.-7:45 a.m. Green, Red, Blue, Orange, Purple, & Visitor Permits
  • Asbury Church – 6:45 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (violators will be towed) Green & Orange Permits
  • Court Plaza – Green, Red, Orange, Purple & Visitor Permits
  • Students are NOT permitted to park in any RED-lined parking spaces or designated Red parking lots Monday – Friday, 7:45 am- 4:45 pm.
  • Plates Out Parking – License plates must be facing the driving lane to be properly displayed

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License Plate Recognition

Salisbury University has moved to license plate recognition in place of physical permits to ensure vehicles are authorized to park on campus effective December 2021. Parking Services will be using mounted cameras to scan license plates as valid permits and issue citations to vehicle without valid University permits or to vehicles not parking in the proper parking lots.

Parking is “Plates Out”. When parking on campus, drivers will be required to park with their license plate faces the driving lane so that it can be properly scanned.  That means if you have a vehicle with one license plate, the license plate and the back of the vehicle will need to face the parking lane – no backing in or pulling through. Salisbury University also follows Maryland law in that all license plates must be properly affixed to the vehicle.  This means that license plates lying on the dashboard of a vehicle will be cited for not parking Plates Out. This will allow for greater efficiencies in regard to enforcement.

A parking registration gives you permission to park in your assigned lot but does not guarantee a parking spot. Permits are valid for the entire academic year. Permits are not pro-rated if purchased after the academic year has started.

  • Students are only allowed to register one vehicle on a permit. If it is found that there is more than one vehicle on a permit, the extra vehicle(s) will be removed.
  • Students are not permitted to park in any Red-lined parking spaces or designated Red lots Monday – Friday, 7:45 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
  • Motorcycles and vehicles must be registered on separate permits. Motorcycle permits are sold in person at the Parking Services Office.
  • EV permits are sold in person at the Parking Services Office.
  • Students cannot share a permit for separate vehicles.
  • Student permit registration is available on-line only. The new academic year permits will open May 28, 2024 in a staggered format based on credit hours that students have received credit for on the day of registration.
  • Employee permit registration is available on-line only. The new academic year permits will open August 1, 2024.
  • When adding vehicle license plate information – do not includes spaces, dashes, or symbols. 
    [See Examples & Sample Plates (PDF)]
  • The purchaser is responsible for the accuracy of the license plate information at the time the parking permit is obtained.
  • License plates must face the driving laneto be scanned for compliance. A vehicle may be cited if its plate cannot be scanned.
  • Vehicles with only one license plate are not authorized to back in or pull through spaces and may be cited.
  • Citations issued due to inaccurate plate information or the inability to scan are the responsibility of the vehicle owner.
  • Refunds for permits and waiving of citations will not be done for plates entered inaccurately.
  • Please contact Parking Services for guidance if your vehicle information changes after registering for a permit.

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General Parking Information

  • All vehicles on campus (day or evening) must be registered with Parking Services and must display a valid permit.
  • Visitors MUST register for a Visitor Parking Pass. Passes may be obtained free of charge by using the following the link to the permit system: https://salisburyparkingpermits.t2hosted.com/Account/Portal
  • Handicap spaces are designated in each parking lot and are specifically reserved for vehicles with handicap license plates/placards. All vehicles are required to be registered for a visitor’s permit as well as display the handicap tag/placard.
  • Review our campus access ADA map. Also keep in mind that we do not distribute handicap parking placards. Parking Services is able, with adequate documentation from a qualified provider, to give a three-week temporary pass for a student until they can obtain a pass from the MVA.

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Parking Accommodations

  • Students may request on-campus parking accommodations through the Disability Resource Center. Through an interactive process, DRC staff meet with each student individually to discuss their parking request and the likely impact of their disability on their educational experiences at Salisbury University (SU). Parking Services may issue temporary parking privileges without documentation from DRC to students with obvious disabilities (i.e., casts, crutches, or other mobility aids). Parking Services reserves the right to refer students to the DRC if additional information is necessary to determine reasonable accommodations.

DRC Temporary Accommodation Application

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Citation Fees

  • $100 Fraudulent Display of a Permit
  • $100 Displaying Counterfeit Permit
  • $100 Parked in a Handicap Space
  • $80 Multiple Vehicle Violation (parking multiple vehicles registered to one permit on campus at the same time)
  • $80 Failure to Register Vehicle/Display Permit (no valid parking permit while parking SU paring lots or not parking with the license plate facing the driving lane)
  • $80 No Parking Area (Grass or Landscape Area, Non-Designated Space, Yellow Curb, Roadway, Fire Lane, or Loading Zone)
  • $60 Improper Parking Area (Parked in Reserved Space or Lot Not Assigned for the Assigned Permit)
  • $10 Parked in More Than 1 Space
  • $10 Meter Violation

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