Application Procedures
(8 Steps)
Deadline: 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 1, 2021
Please read carefully and follow these steps exactly. You should do the first two steps as soon as possible if there's any chance you may apply:
E-mail the administrative coordinator, Bob Hoffman, letting him know your intent to apply as soon as possible. Please provide the following information in your e-mail or phone message. This information must be COMPLETE:
- Full name (first name, full middle name, and last name; if no middle name, please indicate)
- Maiden name, or any other previous name that may be on one of your transcripts; if no other name, please state "none."
- The county in which you work (not live)
- The school in which you work
- The subject(s) you currently teach
- Work and home phone number
- Mailing address
- Which cohort you're requesting (see calendar for specific dates): ACCESS, ENCORE, or BOTH COHORTS. You can change this election anytime before selections are made.
- Whether you attended Salisbury University before. If yes, provide your student ID. If you can't locate this number, please indicate.
Immediately fill out Salisbury University's Residency/Domicile Information Form. Make sure you fill in every block (full tax information, driver's license, registration, etc.) or we will not be able to give you consideration. Please do not leave any blocks blank. (Reason: The Residency Office pre-screens the forms and will reject a form with any missing information, which means we can't put your application package before the board—so please be detailed. Review this form carefully before including it with your package. You have to be pre-approved for residency to be eligible, so we want to have you cleared before you proceed with the remaining steps in the application process.) Type in your signature and date at the end, save it, and email it to Mr. Hoffman at rxhoffman@salisbury.edu. If you prefer, you can print and complete it, and then scan and email it to him. Follow the link below to the form:
Residency Form (PDF)
Contact the Registrar of every college you have attended (even if you only took one course, and even if that course was transferred and is already on another transcript) and have them send official electronic transcripts to Mr. Robert Hoffman at rxhoffman@salisbury.edu. If the college or university cannot transmit your transcripts electronically, they can send them in a sealed envelope to the following address. If this is a problem, please contact Mr. Hoffman:
Robert Hoffman
204 Hollow Mist Drive
Salisbury, Maryland 21804
Note: If they have to send printed copies, have them send an extra set directly to you. The reason is that if Mr. Hoffman doesn't receive your official transcripts in time because of coronavirus-activated mail delays, slow campus delivery, or campus closure, you can send him your unopened copy for the board to review. But make sure you do NOT open the transcript envelope, or it will no longer be official. Again, it's strongly preferable that they send electronic transcripts to Mr. Hoffman, if possible.
We must have your official transcripts by November 1, 2021 so if you're even considering the possibility of applying, we recommend that you order the transcripts as soon as possible. If you don't apply, we'll hold your transcripts in case you decide to in the future. If you haven't ordered your transcripts by October 17, 2021, ask these institutions to expedite your request. Let them know the deadline you have to meet. Remember, we need transcripts from every college/university you've attended, even if you only took one course and credit is reflected on another university's transcripts.
There is one exception: You do not need to order Salisbury University transcripts. Also, if you previously took courses at Salisbury University and had transcripts from other institutions sent here as part of the application process, you do NOT need to obtain those transcripts again. However, we would need transcripts from any colleges/universities you attended after Salisbury University.
Gather the following documents:
- A résumé outlining teaching experience and other relevant academic and professional backgrounds. Also, list ALL colleges/universities attended, even if you took only one course.
- A copy of your Maryland teaching certificate/provisional teaching certificate.
- Copies of your Praxis scores (first two parts of the core battery of the Professional Assessments for Beginning Teachers). If you took the GTE instead of the Praxis, include those scores. If you haven't taken the Praxis, include a statement specifying dates when you intend to take the Praxis. If you have printed copies only, you can scan/email or take a photo and email them.
- A detailed letter of intent demonstrating the extent to which you are a/an:
- Educational innovator (give examples from your professional life to support your creativity as a teacher).
- Self-motivated, autodidactic practitioner of education (give detailed examples from your professional life to demonstrate this).
- Self-directed learner (explain your willingness to create an individualized learning plan to address the specific needs and concerns of the limited English proficient (LEP) population in your school/county).
- Advocate (comment on your willingness to serve as an advocate for ESOL student populations. Give support for this).
- Committed scholar (explain your capability of participating in an intensive program of study as well as your commitment towards completing a highly competitive graduate program).
- Two detailed letters of recommendation using the Department Form:
- One from a school official (principal, vice-principal, content area supervisor, etc.) testifying to your teaching potential and classroom experience.
- One from an individual qualified to judge your motivation, professionalism and ability to engage in sustained graduate study.
- English Graduate Admission Form
NOTE: The recommender completes the form and emails it directly to Mr. Hoffman, the TARGET Administrative Coordinator, at rxhoffman@salisbury.edu, not to any other SU office.
Email the following documents to Mr. Hoffman at rxhoffman@salisbury.edu:
- Résumé
- Detailed letter of intent
- Copy of Maryland Teaching Certificate
- Copies of Praxis or GTE scores (or statement of explanation, if not obtainable)
- English Graduate Admission Form
The two detailed letters of recommendation (school official's letter and support of graduate work—see Step 5 above) need to come directly from the recommenders.
FINAL, VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Send ALL documents to the above email address, regardless of any instructions listed on individual forms or anywhere else on the Salisbury University website. Please do NOT send anything to Admissions, the Registrar, or the English Graduate Director. Following the above directions exactly will ensure that your package receives proper consideration. Also, do not send any fees.
- A screening board will meet after the deadline to review applications and select finalists.
- The selection board will conduct oral interviews with finalists shortly thereafter.
- The board will select candidates. All selected candidates will be contacted individually at some point before the session begins.
- Selected candidates will sign a contractual statement which will include the requirement to serve in his/her school or county for a minimum of one academic year after completing all compendium courses or refund all tuition and training expenses. An exception may be made if the candidate moves to another county on Maryland's Eastern Shore or to Anne Arundel County.
- The candidate is required to submit a report as to how his/her school or county has attempted to implement the No Child Left Behind Actas it relates to LEP students. The TARGET Project Director will provide full details on how to submit this report. Failure to turn in this report by March 31, 2021, will require a refund of all tuition and training expenses.
- The candidate will agree to complete all courses in the cohort or refund all tuition and training expenses.
- Selected candidates will be required to complete additional admission forms and attend an orientation session (one or more dates will be announced). This session will be conducted remotely via Zoom.
Please direct any questions about application procedures or the TARGET Program in general to Bob Hoffman, TARGET Administrative Coordinator, at (410) 787-5355 (temporary telework number). Email is recommended because of possible teleworking, but if you leave a voicemail, Mr. Hoffman will get back to you.
The TARGET program is fully funded by the United States Department of Education: Office of English Language Acquisition, under Project #T365Z160021. The opinions expressed in this website do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of any office of the Department of Education.