Former Students
- Great strategies for helping ELL students in the classroom.
- Creative lesson ideas for developing language.
- An enduring understanding of the principles of linguistics.
- An understanding of the impact of being an English language learner in an elementary school setting and its long-lasting effects.
- Ideas to help ELL students & their families feel comfortable in a school setting as they develop their language skills.
- A more precise understanding how the ELL students I work with acquire a second language.
- Utilize information in/from the program in the classroom and beyond.
- Present the new knowledge to classroom teachers, staff, principals.
- Better understanding about how language works.
- Sense of accomplishment.
- Obtain more knowledge on how to better help my Lang. Learners in the classroom.
- Create a resource for the students in the school.
- How to make the regular students understand the obstacles Language Learners go through in the classroom.
- Help the Language Learners be more successful.
- Use the knowledge obtained to help classroom teachers create lessons that incorporate strategies for Language Learners.
- I would like to learn strategies to help my ESOL students with the HAS in order for them to be successful and not feel overwhelmed by the tests.
- How to teach in the content areas at the high school level enabling ELL students to make academic progress and offer a smooth transition between learning how to communicate and academic learning to be successful according to their level of proficiency.
- Learn how to provide from all academic teachers equal opportunities for the ELL students academic careers to ensure functioning at a comparable level to their peers.
- Learn strategies on how to offer ELL students empowerment in their content classrooms ensuring a stress free learning environment.
- I would like to learn about implementing a sheltered classroom program that could be used successfully at my school.
- Background Info. about ELL.
- Culture—What is important to ELL students’ families?
- Student Goals—What ELL students plan to do after high school graduation.
- How can I help ELL achieve their goals?
- Increase effectiveness/understanding of Core Learning Goal objectives for ELL students.
- Master strategies to improve reading comprehension in my students through recognition of how socio-linguistic obstacles interfere with understanding.
- Increase cultural diversity within classroom.
- Improve student written composition.
- Decrease teacher talk by including wider variety of learning activities.
- Strategies to use with all students to promote language development.
- To share strategies with other staff & the migrant program.
- To improve my instructional techniques.
- Promote and encourage parental involvement.
- Organize a training (professional development) for staff @ St. Michaels to use various strategies and instructional tools.
- The ability to assess and instruct my ESOL students better.
- Knowledge of the English language and how it is similar and different from other languages.
- Different approaches for the instruction of language.
- A better writer!
- Methods for better reaching all of my diverse learners.