maroon wave

Jim Phillips Recognized by NationalCommittee for Employer Support of the Guard Reserve

SALISBURY, MD--The National Committee for Employer Support of the Guard Reserve, a committee of the Department of Defense, recently awarded a Certificate of Appreciation to Jim Phillips, director of public safety at Salisbury State University, and recognized the University Police for support of the United States Air Force Reserves.

The University Police has had two members in the Air Force Reserves for many years. These reserves, Lt. Wayne Hurley and Sgt. Carlton Tobias, recently retired, are required to be away from their SSU's job for weekend and annual training.

"With a department of 17 officers it is sometimes difficult to schedule officers so that staff distribution is optimal," said Phillips. "We always try to ensure that scheduling is accomplished remembering that officers may be away from SSU participating in Air Force Reserve activities."

Phillips recently received the certificates and plaque at a Ceremony in the Social Room in Holloway Hall. Dr. Joel Jones, SSU interim president, Vice President of Student Affairs Carol Williamson, representatives of the Maryland National Guard and others attended the ceremony.