maroon wave

Merle Collins

SALISBURY, MD--- Novelist and poet Merle Collins reads from her works Thursday, March 7, at 7 p.m. in the Montgomery Room of the Commons at Salisbury University. Part of the Writers-on-the-Shore Series, admission is free and the public is cordially invited.

Published books by Collins include The Color of Forgetting (Virago, 1995), Rotten Pomerack (Virago, 1992), Rain Darling (1987) and Angel (1987)--these titles from The Women's Press. She edited Watchers and Seekers: Creative Writing by Black Women in Britain and Callaloo: A Grenada Anthology. Collins has appeared often on BBC radio and television programs.

Books will be available at a reception following the lecture.

The Office of Cultural Affairs and Museum Studies, the Department of English, the Office of Multiethnic Student Services and the Mid-Atlantic Review sponsor her reading.

For more information, call Dr. Michael Waters at 410-543-6540 or visit the SU Web site at