SU Students Receive Voiture Locale Nurses Training Scholarships

SALISBURY, MD---Three Salisbury University students have received Voiture Locale #122 Nurses Training Scholarships from a local veterans group that supports the Nursing Program.
The recipients are Stephanie Hof of Sykesville, MD; Rebecca Palmer of Salisbury, MD; and Brandy Mudler of Easton, MD. All are nursing majors at SU.
Each student received a $600 award that is renewable for a second year; Hof earned the scholarship last year as well. The students were recognized during a meet and greet, where members of Voiture Locale #122 also presented the SU Foundation, Inc. with a check for the scholarships.
“The continued support of local organizations, such as Voiture Locale #122, is vital in providing assistance to SU nursing students,” said Amanda Willey, instructor in SU’s School of Nursing. “Their generous donations allow students to worry a little less about finances and focus their time on their studies.”
Voiture Locale members say it’s easy for them to continue to donate.
“It’s a tradition that goes back to World War I,” said member John Iwanski.
The Forty and Eight veterans organization originated in France, where American soldiers were transported on the French rail system. Their boxcars were stenciled with “40 Hommes/8 Chevaux,” indicating that each could hold either 40 men or eight horses. Although an uncomfortable mode of transportation, the “40/8” became a symbol of the service of those who fought in the trenches.
“After World War I and World War II, our country was experiencing a shortage of nurses, so The Forty and Eight proposed a nurses training initiative to close that gap with scholarships,” Iwanski said. “We understand the importance of nurses in our military and community, and we’re more than happy to support SU nursing students.”
Scholarship recipients must be admitted into SU’s nursing program or working to obtain a bachelor’s in nursing, demonstrate financial need, have strong academic standing and participate in community service and activities.
SU offers a number of scholarships in honor of U.S. veterans. The Oscar “Whitey” Ruppert Rommel Scholarship is awarded to students of the Perdue School of Business who are either active military or veterans. The scholarship is in memory of entrepreneur and local philanthropist Dave Rommel’s father, who was a Private First Class in the U.S. Army.
“My dream is to one day open up my own private practice therapist office,” said recipient Kassandra Sullivan. “I will always remember the generosity of the Rommel family while I am beginning the road to my dreams.”
The Nutter Wimbrow Veterans Scholarship was established by Tom and Betty Wimbrow in honor of Tom’s cousin, Nutter Jerome Wimbrow III, who lost his life in the Vietnam War. The scholarship provides funds for students who are veterans or children of veterans killed or wounded in war. A scholarship for students enrolled in the Doctorate of Nursing Program is also established in honor of the late Colonel Meta M. Mills, a veteran of the U.S. Air Force Nurse Corps.
Join the We Are SU campaign or email the SU Foundation, Inc. at to learn more about scholarships and endowments.