maroon wave

Experiential Education Mid-Atlantic Conference

SALISBURY, MD-- Salisbury University and Delmarva Adventurers are jointly hosting the first Association for Experiential Education (AEE) Mid-Atlantic Conference, "Sojourn to Synergy," on March 22-24 on the SU campus.

The keynote luncheon speaker is Chris Warner, world-class professional climber who reached the Mt. Everest summit last spring and was featured in National Geographic. Other conference highlights include a presentation by master practitioner and nationally published author Chris Cavert, networking opportunities and 25 different workshops.

Some of the workshops are "Creating an Urban Middle School," "Yurts: for a Math Class and Building Shelter," "Experiential Education and Adventure in Diversity," "Facilitating Leadership," "Community Building in the Classroom," "Brain-based Learning" and "Creating Character and Community from the Inside Out."

AEE is a non-profit, international, professional organization whose mission is to develop and promote experiential education (active, engaging and meaningful education). The association is committed to supporting professional development, theoretical advancement and evaluation of experiential education worldwide.

The association is broken down into eight regions for networking purposes. Volunteer leaders staff each region. The Mid-Atlantic region consists of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington, D.C.

For a registration brochure or more information, please contact Dr. Harlan Eagle at 410-726-7097 ( or Dean Burroughs at 410-543-6344 (