Campus Offices Closed Thursday, January 9
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'Maryland Public Television Salutes Vietnam Veterans' Exhibit at SU, January 4-15

Nabb Research Center logoSALISBURY, MD---The Vietnam War impacted the lives of servicemen, their families and communities throughout Maryland and beyond.

Salisbury University’s Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History and Culture Gallery, 190 Wayne St., presents the traveling exhibit “Maryland Public Television Salutes Vietnam Veterans” in honor of their service, from January 4-15.

The exhibit features current-day and wartime images of 16 Marylanders with their recollections of incidents from the war, as well as artifacts. As part of the display, children will have the opportunity to color pages to thank veterans, and visitors may write messages to veterans or share their own stories.

Gallery hours are 1-4 p.m. Monday-Friday. For more information call 410-543-6312 or visit the Nabb Research Center website at