Campus Closed Wednesday, January 8
maroon wave

Registration Open for 'The Biggest Loser' Challenge

SALISBURY, MD---Ready to be “The Biggest Loser?”

Healthy U of Delmarva at Salisbury University, the Wicomico County Health Department and the YMCA Activate America sponsor this 12-week guided exercise and nutrition program starting January 9. Individuals or teams of 4-6 may participate.

The program features seminars, classes and events about nutrition, body image, stress eating, nutritional labels, recipe tips and fun physical activities.  It is designed to promote positive lifestyle changes and improved habits.

Participants will receive Biggest Loser T-shirts, prizes, nutrition and fitness tips, YMCA or University Fitness Club access, confidential monthly weigh-ins, body measurements, exclusive classes and a session with the Fitness by Design team.

Registration is $35; $20 for members of Healthy U or the mid-shore Family YMCA, and SU students or staff.

Deadline is Thursday, January 8.  Register before December 1 and receive bonus holiday survival tips.

For more information contact Deanna Harrell, YMCA community projects director at 410-749-0101 x16 or, or visit the and click the Activate Delmarva link.