maroon wave

Rock for Justice Concert

SALISBURY, MD--The Salisbury University chapter of Amnesty International presents a “Rock for Justice” concert by local singer/songwriter Wes Davis and his band on Tuesday, February 19, at 7 p.m. in the Wicomico Room in the Guerrieri University Center. The event is free and open to the public.

Davis’ music has taken him across the U.S. and twice to South Africa to perform. His music has been described as “faith-based rock with a social conscience” and ranges from guitar-driven rock to reflective piano ballads.

During the concert, Davis will talk and present a brief video about a women’s movement in Pakistan he encountered during his visit to that country in September 2000. The movement uses drama to raise awareness about women’s rights and to work toward equality.

For more information about the concert, please call the SU Public Relations Office at 410-543-6030. For a complete list of SU events go to www.salisbury.edui/calendar/.