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SU's Fall Writers on the Shore Series Continues Wednesday, October 19

Dara-Lyn Shrager and Rachel PattersonSALISBURY, MD---Salisbury University’s fall Writers on the Shore series continues with reading by Radar Poetry founders and editors Dara-Lyn Shrager and Rachel Marie Patterson 8 p.m. Wednesday, October 19, in the Worcester Room of the Commons.

Shrager’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in many journals, including Southern Humanities Review, Barn Owl Review, Salamander, Yemassee, Whiskey Island, Tinderbox and Nashville Review. Her full-length manuscript Whiskey, X-Ray, Yankee, scheduled for release in 2018, was a finalist for the Akron Poetry Prize, the Perugia Prize and the Brittingham and Pollak Prizes from the University of Wisconsin Press.

Patterson, a founding editor of Four Way Review, is a winner of the Academy of American Poets Prize. Her work has been nominated for Best of the Net, Best New Poems and the Pushcart Prize. Her poems have appeared in Harpur Palate, Cimarron Review, Smartish Pace, Parcel, The Journal, Thrush Poetry Journal, Nashville Review, Redivider and Fugue, among others. Her first chapbook, If I Am Burning, was published in 2011.

Sponsored by the English Department and Writers on the Shore, admission is free and the public is invited. For more information call 410-543-6445 or visit the SU website at