SU's 'Made in America' Fall Cultural Events Series Continues Mondays, November 23 - December 7
SALISBURY, MD---Salisbury University’s “Made in America” fall cultural events series continues with a trio of documentaries from filmmaker Ken Burns’ America series.
Screenings are 7 p.m. Mondays, November 23-December 7, in the Great Hall of Holloway Hall.
The series begins on November 23, with episode one: “The Brooklyn Bridge.” Upon its completion, the Great East River Bridge (Brooklyn Bridge) was the largest of its era, a technical achievement of unparalleled scope marked by enormous construction problems, ingenious solutions and heroic achievement. In the process, it became a symbol in American culture of strength, vitality, ingenuity and promise.
On November 30, the series continues with episode two, “The Statue of Liberty,” examining the nature of freedom and the statue’s significance within American life.
The series culminates with episode three, “Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio” on December 7. Those profiled include Audion tube inventor Lee de Forest, FM radio pioneer Edwin Armstrong, and RCA and NBC owner David Sarnoff, called “the father of broadcasting.”
Sponsored by the Cultural Affairs Office, admission is free and the public is invited. For more information call 410-543-6271 or visit the SU website at