Limited Campus Opening Friday, January 10
maroon wave

Sophanes Production 'Scrooged Up!' Opens November 30

SALISBURY, MD---In the Dan Roberts play Scrooged Up!, it’s one catastrophe after another for a community theatre trying put on a Christmas play without enough actors.

The comedy is the third annual Christmas show performed by Sophanes, Salisbury University’s student theatre organization.  Performances are 7 p.m. Friday, November 30; 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday, December 1; and 2 p.m. Sunday, December 2, in the Black Box Theatre of Fulton Hall.

Scrooged Up! is suitable for all ages. Admission is by donation of money or toys.  All toys and 50 percent of the proceeds benefit Toys for Tots.

In the play, the “resourceful” director of the Hillsdale Community Theatre tries to put on A Christmas Carol by triple and quadruple-casting the roles.  Since everyone in sight has been recruited, the cast also fills in as costume designers, stagehands and technicians.  The impossibility of the situation brings tensions to a comical head as the final rehearsal invites one calamity after another.

An entirely SU student-run production, Scrooged Up! is directed by Hank Brannock.  The cast includes students Zach Coffman, Zach Schalg, Aftyn Garvin, Casey Williams, Matt Williams, Chelsea Reid, Alyssa Mullins, Shanice Jones, Carly Ball, Sam Heller, Scott Dotterick and Jessica Rivera.

The crew features stage manager Jennifer Pawenski, assistant stage manager Becky Norris, set design by Chris Colangelo, props design by Heather Hall, costume design by Camilla Morrison, lighting by Justin Serenyi and sound by Brandon Roe.

Scrooged Up! is preceded by a performance by Bound & Gagged, a student improvisation group.  The entire production is 45 minutes.  Afterwards, there will be a visit from Santa.

No reservations are required and the public is invited.  For more information call 410-543-6030 or visit the SU Web site at