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Stribling Earns Flanigan Environmental Leadership Award

SALISBURY, MD---Dr. Judith Stribling, professor of biological sciences at Salisbury University, has been selected to receive the Frances H. Flanigan Environmental Leadership Award for her leadership in raising awareness of the issues concerning the Chesapeake Bay and Watershed protection. 

The award is given by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, a regional organization that builds and fosters partnerships to restore the bay and its rivers.  Stribling receives the award at the Alliance’s annual “Taste of the Chesapeake” Gala on Saturday, November 15.

Stribling is the president of the Friends of the Nanticoke River, a citizens’ environmental organization.  She was the first president of the Nanticoke Watershed Alliance, a bi-state consortium of Delaware and Maryland governmental, business and citizens’ groups that promotes community involvement in protection of the river.  She also advises the SU Bioenvirons Club, a student environmental club, and is SU coordinator of the collaborative Dual Degree program in biology and environmental-marine sciences with the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.

For more information, call the SU Public Relations office at 410-543-6030.