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Yahoo Internet Life Recognized SU in Top 200 Wired Schools

SALISBURY, MD---Yahoo Internet Life recently recognized Salisbury University as one of the 200 most wired Colleges and Universities in the United States.

“Salisbury University is pleased to be recognized,” said Jerry Waldron, SU’s chief information officer. “As one of the 200 most wired colleges and Universities in the United States, recognition of this sort is always welcome.”

YIL scored the schools in six broad categories each of which could contain 4 to18 factors. The categories were Web portal, E-learning, tech support and infrastructure which counted for 28 percent of the grade, student resources 22 percent and wireless 5 percent. Grades of A, B, C, D were then assigned to each category, and SU ranked 145. This is the first year the University has been recognized.

Other institutions ranking in the 140s were Auburn University (147), Loyola University Chicago (149), Brown University (143) and University of North Dakota (144).

“It helps us see where we stand technically with respect to other quality colleges and universities,” said Waldron. “We must continue striving to exploit the latest technologies as we enhance teaching and student services.”