Research, Publications, and Presentations
Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals
Jacob, P. B., Justice, E., Olivo, K., & Glover, K. R. (2023). Novel intra-operative wound irrigation solution to manage infection prevention in patients undergoing primary and revision joint arthroplasty: Retrospective review of a case series of 343 patients. Journal of Orthopedic Experience & Innovation.
Glover, K. R., & Bodzin, A. (2024) - 12th Grade Female Student Perceived Value, Achievement, Cost and Self-Regulated Engagement Associated with Serious Simulation Game Level Attainment. Career and Technical Education Research, 49(1), 2–27.
Hall, N., Seldomridge, L.A., & Allen, K. (2022). Using Toolkits to Improve Students' Skills in Advocacy. Journal of Nursing Education. Published Online: May 10, 2022
Webster, D., Willey, A., & Seldomridge, L.A. (2021). Advocacy, collaboration, and conflict management: Teaching core skill sets in mental health nursing. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services. Published Online: June 01, 2021.
Seldomridge, L., Hall, N., Hauck, B., Jarosinski, J., Reid, T., & Payne, B. (2021) Faculty academy and mentorship initiative (FAMI) – Maryland: Addressing the nurse educator shortage. The Maryland Nurse News and Journal. 9, 19. March.
Jarosinski, J., Seldomridge, L.A., Hinderer, K.A., & Reid, T.P. (2020). The phenomenon of “learning how to teach”: Perspectives of novice faculty after a formal academy. Nurse Educator. 45(1), 51-55.
Werner, T. J., Pellinger, T. K., Rosette, V. D., & Ortlip, A. T. (2019). Effects of a 12-Week Resistance Training Program on Arterial Stiffness. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 1. doi: 10.1519/jsc.0000000000003331
Webster, D. (2019). Lights, camera, action: Lessons learned from a nursing and theater collaboration. Journal of Nursing Education, 58(6), 369-71.
Pellinger, T.K., Neighbors, C.B., Simmons, G.H. (2019). Acute lower leg heating increases exercise capacity in patients with peripheral artery disease. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 34(2), 99-102.
Werner, T., Pellinger, T., Rosette, D., Ortlip, A., & Boutagy, N. (2018). The Effects of a 12-week Resistance Training Program on Arterial Stiffness: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 50(5S):368, doi: 10.1249/01.mss.0000536294.20717.d2
Truong, H., Gorman, M., East, M., Klima, D., Hinderer, K., Hogue, L., Brown, V. & Joyner, R. (2018). The Eastern Shore Collaborative for Interprofessional Education’s implementation and impact over five years. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 82, (4),
Webster, D. & Jarosinski, J. (2017). A Walk in My Shoes: Using Art to Explore the Lived Experience of Psychiatric-Mental Health Standardized Patients. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing, 55 (8), 39-47. doi: 10.3928/02793695-20170627-02
Pellinger TK, Pearce, CB, Simmons, GH, and Snitzer, JL. (2017). Postexercise Hemodynamics in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: Effect of Exercise Intensity and Duration. Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology. 2017;6(1):1-8
Jarosinski, J. & Webster, D. (2016). Acting With a Purpose: Lived Experiences of Standardized Patients Portraying Mental Illness. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. 12(2), 539–545. 10.1016/j.ecns.2016.08.005.
Hinderer K. A., Jarosinski, J.M., Seldomridge, L.A., Reid, T.P. (2016). From Expert Clinician to Nurse Educator: Outcomes of a Faculty a Academy Initiative. Nurse Educator, 41(4), 194-198. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000243.
Hinderer K, Klima D, Truong H, Rangel AG, Brown V, Talley W, Dougherty P, Joyner RL. (2016). Faculty Perceptions, Knowledge, and Attitudes toward Interprofessional Education and Practice. J Allied Health; 45: e1-e4.
DiBartolo, M. C., & Webster, D. A. (2014). Using a Standardized Patient Learning Activity to Teach Baccalaureate Nursing Students about Dementia Care. Alzheimer’s & Dementia; 10(4), (Supplement) 732.
Klima D, Hinderer KA, Freda K, Winter D, Joyner RJ. Interprofessional Collaboration Between Two Rural Institutions: A Simulated Teaching Laboratory Paradigm. Respir Care Education Annual 2014; 23: 45-4
Webster, D. & DiBartolo, M. (2014) Using a Standardized Patient Learning Activity to Teach Baccalaureate Nursing Students About Dementia Care. Nurse Educator; 39(3), 103-104.
Webster D. (2014). Using Standardized Patients to Teach Therapeutic Communication in Psychiatric Nursing. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 10(2):e81-e86.
Hinderer KA, Joyner RJ. (2014). An Interprofessional Approach to Undergraduate Critical Care Education. Journal of Nursing Education, 53(3).
Webster D. (2013). Promoting Therapeutic Communication and Patient-Centered Care Using Standardized Patients. Journal of Nursing Education, 52(11):645-648.
Webster D, Seldomridge L, Rockelli L. (2012). Making It Real: Using Standardized Patients to Bring Case Studies to Life. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 50(5):36-41.
Joyner, R.L. & Hinderer, K. (2012). An Initial Experience with an Undergraduate Critical Care Course. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 18:A3339
Presentations at Regional, National, and International Conferences
Glover, K. R. & Bodzin (2025, January11). Early efficacy testing of a serious simulation game: Student perceived value, achievement, cost and self-regulated engagement associated with level attainment [Poster presentation]. International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando, Florida, United States.
Hughes, B. M., Glover, K. R., Oby, S., Bastola, D., Shaffer, M., Burton, R. N., (2025, January 13). Impact of simulation-based instruction on the suicide assessment confidence of master of social work students. IMSH 2025 Standardized Patient SIG Annual Collaboration Forum. Orlando, Florida, United States.
Burton, R. N., Allen, K. D., & Weber, R. L. (2024, June 26). Development of a multidimensional simulation experience to enhance baccalaureate nursing students’ leadership competencies. [Conference session] Association of SP Educators 23rd Annual Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Burton, R. N., & Hauck, B. (2023, June). Using poverty simulation to increase understanding of social determinants of health and quality of role portrayal in SPs. [Poster presentation]. Association of SP Educators 22nd Annual Conference. Portland, Oregon, United States.
Allen, K. D., Weber, R. L., & Burton, R. N. (2023, November 11). Development of a multidimensional simulation experience to enhance baccalaureate nursing students’ leadership competencies. [Conference session] Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing 47th Biennial Convention. San Antonio, Texas, United States.
Glover, K. R. & Bodzin, A. (January 15-19, 2022). Early efficacy testing of a serious simulation game: Non-game-oriented female emerging health professional student perception of cost and design feature preferences. [Poster presentation]. International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. San Diego, California, United States.
Seldomridge, L., Jarosinski, J., Reid, T., Hauck, B. & Payne, B. (2022, October). Developing clinicians as faculty through curriculum innovation and partnerships. [Conference session]. NETNEP 2022 8th International Nurse Education Conference, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain.
Seldomridge, L., Webster, D., Allen, K., Hall, N., Hart, J., Willey, A., & Jarosinski, J. (2022, October). Developing leadership skills in nurses through curriculum innovation and partnerships. [Conference session]. NETNEP 2022 8th International Nurse Education Conference, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain. (accepted).
Jarosinski, J., Seldomridge, L., Reid, T., Hauck, B. & Payne, B. (2022, October). Standing alongside you: Qualitative results of a structured mentorship program for expert clinicians in new roles as faculty. [Conference session]. NETNEP 2022 8th International Nurse Education Conference, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain.
Reid, T., Seldomridge, L., Jarosinski, J., Hauck, B., & Payne, B. (2022, October) Outcomes of a statewide partnership in nursing education: A mixed method approach. [Conference session]. NETNEP 2022 8th International Nurse Education Conference, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain.
Seldomridge, L. and Webster, D. (2022). Improving new nurses’ leadership skills: An academic-practice partnership. National League for Nursing Education Summit. Las Vegas, Nevada. September 28-30, 2022.
Hall, N., Seldomridge, L., & Allen, K. (2022). Impact of Advocacy Toolkit Use on Student Outcomes. Sigma Theta Tau 33rd International Research Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 21-25-2022.
Jarosinski, J., Willey, A., Seldomridge, L. & Webster, D. (2022). Toolkits for New Nurses: Improving Conflict Management Skills in Working with Patients with Substance Use. Sigma Theta Tau 33rd International Nursing Research Congress. Edinburgh, Scotland, July 21-25-2022.
Hall, N. & Seldomridge, L. (2022). The Lifespan of a Question about Speaking Up: Dissertation to a Massive Open Online Course. Sigma Theta Tau 33rd International Nursing Research Congress. Edinburgh, Scotland, July 21-25-2022.
Campbell, W.T. and Mills, B. Hallett (2021). Creation of a new high-fidelity simulation on seizures. Sigma Theta Tau International Biennial Convention, 6-10 November 2021. Indianapolis, IN.
Campbell, W.T. (2021). Nursing simulation debriefing: Plus-delta revisited. Sigma Theta Tau International Biennial Convention, 6-10 November 2021. Indianapolis, IN.
Seldomridge, L., Jarosinski, J., Reid, T., Hall, N., Hauck, B., & Payne, B. (2021). Outcomes of a statewide collaboration to address the faculty shortage. National League for Nursing Education Summit, September 22-25, 2021. Washington, D.C.
Seldomridge, L (2021). Building a Strong Workforce: Toolkits for Nursing Leadership Skills Development. MDAC Virtual Leadership Summit Meeting Challenges Head On: Maryland Nurses Respond, May 24, 2021, Virtual.
Hall, N., Webster, D., Willey, A., Seldomridge, L., Jarosinski, J. (2021). Practice makes perfect: helping nursing students speak up. MNA District 2-Nursing Education Summit, 17 April, 2021, Virtual.
Seldomridge, L., Jarosinski, J., Reid, T., Hauck, B., & Payne, B. (2021). Actors make it feel real: Using simulated clinical teaching encounters to prepare new nurse educators. Maryland Nurses Association District 2 Nursing Education Summit, April 18, 2021. (Virtual)
Hart, J.A. and Allen, K.D. (2021). Enhancing interprofessional collaboration among nursing and respiratory therapy students through curricular integration of Standardized Patient Experiences: Lessons learned during COVID. Salisbury University Teaching Learning Conference. 21 February, 2021. Salisbury, MD.
Hart, J., Allen, K. (2021). Enhancing nursing and respiratory therapy students’ interprofessional collaboration competencies through curricular integration of standardized patient experiences” Maryland Nurses Association 117th Annual Convention, Inaugural Virtual Convention (2 October). Online.
Glover, K. R. & Bodzin, A. (November 3-7, 2020). Learner-centric design of a serious simulation game developed to foster hand hygiene best practice behaviors in 12th grade emerging health professional students. [Poster presentation]. Association for Education Communications & Technology International Convention. Jacksonville, Florida, United States.
Willey, A., Webster, D., & Seldomridge, L. (2020). Using a simulation toolkit to educate students as mental health patient advocates: From admission to discharge” Maryland Nurses Association 117th Annual Convention, Inaugural Virtual Convention. (2 October). Online.
Webster, D. & Seldomridge, L. (2020). Preparing nurses to communicate and lead, Maryland Nurses Association 117th Annual Convention, Virtual Convention. (2 October). Online.
Hall, N.J., Allen, K., Jarosinski, J., Seldomridge, L., Mercado, S., & Webster, D. (2020). Speaking up is hard to do: Using Simulation to Build Confidence with Speaking Up. Nurse Tim Nuts and Bolts. (7-8 August). Online.
Willey, A., Webster, D., Jarosinski, J. and Seldomridge, L. (2020). Enhancing Mental Health Nursing Practice Through Leadership Development. NLN and STTI Nursing Education Research Conference 2020 (26-28 March), Washington, D.C. (Cancelled)
Allen, K., Seldomridge, L., Webster, D., Hart, J., et al., (2020). Enhancing Interprofessional Collaboration of Nursing Students Through Curricular Integration of Standardized Patient Experiences. NLN and STTI Nursing Education Research Conference 2020 (26-28 March), Washington, D.C. (Cancelled).
Seldomridge, L., Jarosinski, J., Reid, T., Hauck, B., & Payne, B. (2020). Developing Clinicians as Faculty Through Statewide Partnerships. NLN and STTI Nursing Education Research Conference 2020 (26-28 March), Washington, D.C. (Cancelled).
Milligan, T., Freda, K., Seldomridge, L. (2020). The Influence of Low and High-Fidelity Simulations on Nursing Students’ Self-Confidence, Knowledge, and Satisfaction. NLN and STTI Nursing Education Research Conference 2020 (26-28 March), Washington, D.C. (Cancelled).
Webster, D., Seldomridge, L. & Willey, A., (2019) Preparing Nurses to Communicate and Lead: Using Toolkits and Standardized Patient Experiences. American Association of Colleges of Nursing Baccalaureate Education Conference; November 21-23, 2019; Orlando, FL.
Campbell, W T. (2019, November). A Simulation: Post-Op Care for a Pediatric Patient With Hidden Evidence of Abuse. Podium Presentation at 45th Biennial Convention of Sigma Theta Tau International, Washington, D.C.
Jarosinski, J., Seldomridge, L., Reid, T., & Willey, J. (November 2019). Nursing Administrators Perspective of the Nurse Faculty Shortage in their Schools: A “Bird’s Eye View, 45th Biennial Convention of Sigma Theta Tau International (16-20 November 2019), Washington, D.C.
Webster, D., Seldomridge, L., & Willey, A. (November 2019). Preparing Nurses to Communicate and Lead: Using Toolkits and Standardized Patient Experiences. 45th Biennial Convention of Sigma Theta Tau International (16-20 November 2019), Washington, D.C.
Webster, D. & Seldomridge, L. (September 2019) Teaching Essential Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing and Leadership Skills Using Toolkits and Standardized Patient Experiences, NLN Education Summit, National Harbor, Washington, D.C. September 26-29, 2019.
Reid, T., Seldomridge, L., & Jarosinski, J. (July 2019). Networking and Partnership as Integral in Nursing Education Initiatives: Transitioning Nurse-Clinicians to Roles as Nurse Educators. Sigma Theta Tau 30th International Nursing Research Congress. July 25-29, 2019. Calgary, Canada.
Jarosinski, J., Seldomridge, L., & Reid, T. (July 2019). Outcomes of a Structured Mentorship Program for Expert Clinicians in New Roles as Clinical Faculty. Sigma Theta Tau 30th International Nursing Research Congress. July 25-29, 2019. Calgary, Canada.
Webster, D., Seldomridge, L., & Willey, A. (March 2019). Using toolkits and standardized patient experiences to teach essential skills in mental health nursing. George Washington University Simulation Conference 2019. March 20-21, 2019. Ashburn, VA.
Neighbors, C. (January 2019). “A Creative Approach to the Challenges of Electronic Health Record Documentation during Simulation.” International Meeting in Simulation Healthcare Conference. San Antonio, TX. January 26-30, 2019-
Neighbors, C. and Seldomridge, L. (February, 2019). Developing documentation skills during simulation: A high tech, low cost solution. 2019 World Conference for Human Patient Simulation Network (HPSN), Orlando, FL. February 25-28, 2019.
Webster, D., Willey, A., & Seldomridge, L. (April 2018). Improving Nursing Students’ Knowledge and Attitudes towards Mental Illness using Standardized Patients. Sigma Theta Tau International Nurse Education Research Conference, Washington, D.C.
Seldomridge, L., & Jarosinski, J. (April 2018). Learning How to Teach: Using Simulations to Prepare New Clinical Faculty. Sigma Theta Tau International Nurse Education Research Conference, Washington, D.C.
DiBartolo, M. & Webster, D. (March 2018). “Using a Standardized Patient Experience to Teach Therapeutic Communication Skills in Persons with Dementia”. Association for Gerontology in Higher Education 44th Annual Meeting and Educational Leadership Conference, Atlanta, GA. March 1-4, 2018
Webster, D., Willey, A., & Seldomridge, L. (October 2017). Using Standardized Patients to Improve Nursing Students’ Knowledge and Attitudes towards Mental Illness. Maryland Nurses Association Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD.
Pearce, C. & Schloemer, D. (June 2017). Not EPIC, but pretty cool. A creative way to simulate a medical record. HPSN Mid-Atlantic Simulation Conference, Wye Mills, MD.
Nutt, R. (June 2017). Implementation of a Standardized Patient Experience to Expose Undergraduate Nursing Students to IPV Screening. Nurse Tim’s Nuts and Bolts Educators Conference, Minneapolis, MN. Podium and poster presentation. 2 nd place poster winner.
Webster, D. & Seldomridge, L. (May 2017). A Standardized Approach to Teach Essential Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Skills. Maryland Action Coalition annual meeting. Baltimore, MD.
Webster, D, Jarosinski, J., & Seldomridge, L. (April 2017). Toolkits and Standardized Patient Experiences: Developing Core Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Skills. MNA District 2 Conference- Linthicum Heights MD
Seldomridge, L., Jarosinski, J., & Reid, T. (April 2017). Learning how to teach: Using simulation to prepare expert nurses as new part-time clinical faculty. Maryland Nurses’ Association District 2 Education Summit, 23 April, 2017, Elkridge, Maryland
Webster, D, Jarosinski, J. and, Seldomridge, L. (March 2017): International Society of Psychiatric Nurses (ISPN) Conference- Baltimore MD – Podium Presentation: Toolkits and Standardized Patient Experiences: Developing Core Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Skills
Jarosinski, J. and Webster, D. (March 2017): International Society of Psychiatric Nurses (ISPN) Conference- Baltimore MD – Poster Presentation: Acting with a Purpose: The lived Experience of actors in the role of standardized patients portraying mental illness. First place award for this poster.
Seldomridge, L., Joyner, R., Pearce, C., & Schloemer, D. (February 2017). Blessed are the flexible…
A multidisciplinary approach to designing a simulation center. HPSN World. Ponte Verde, FL.Webster, D. and Jarosinski, J. (February 2017): Georgia Association of Nurse Educators (GANE) Conference Jekyll Island GA – Podium Presentation: Through the Eyes of the Standardized Patient: The Lived Experience of Portraying Mental Illness
Webster, D, Seldomridge, L., and Jarosinski, J. (June 2016): Poster Presentation- University of Maryland Baltimore- MDAC Conference – Advancing Education Transformation
Webster, D, Seldomridge, L., and Jarosinski, J. (May 2016): Poster Presentation- University of Maryland Baltimore- MDAC Conference – Advancing Education Transformation: A Standardized Approach to Teach Essential Psychiatric Mental Health Skills
Webster, D. (March 2016): Drexel EDU- Simulation Conference Clearwater FL: Podium Presentation: Toolkits and Standardized Patient Experiences: Developing Core Psychiatric Nursing Skills
Nutt, R. (2016). Improving intimate partner violence (IPV) screening through the use of standardized patients. AWHONN National Convention, Dallas, TX
Pellinger TK, Pearce CB, and Simmons GH. 2016. Influence of Acute Lower Limb Heating on Clinical Measures and Functional Capacity in Peripheral Artery Disease. The FASEB Journal, 30 (no. 1 Supplement), 954.8. National Meeting of Experimental Biology. San Diego, CA
Seldomridge, L.A., Jarosinski, J.M., Reid, T.P., (2016). Eastern Shore Faculty Academy and Mentorship Initiative (ESFAMI): Providing leadership through educating colleagues. Maryland Nurses Association Convention, October 13, 2016, Baltimore, MD.
Seldomridge, L.A., Jarosinski, J.M., Reid, T.P., & Hinderer, K.A., (2016) Eastern Shore Faculty Academy and Mentorship Initiative (ESFAMI): A Hybrid Experience to Develop Expert Clinicians as Clinical Faculty. Maryland Action Coalition Summit, June 27, 2016, Baltimore, MD.
Reid, T., Hinderer, K., Seldomridge, L. & Jarosinski, J. (2016). Using Simulation-Based Activities to Prepare Expert Clinicians as Adjunct Nursing Faculty. NETNEP 6th International Nurse Education Conference, 3-6 April 2016. Brisbane, Australia.
Webster, D. & Jarosinski, J. (2016). Toolkits and Standardized Patient Experiences: Developing Core Psychiatric Nursing Skills. 2016 EDU-SIM Transforming the Educational Landscape; Simulation, Innovation, and Technology. 20-24 March 2016. Clearwater, FL.
Webster, D.A., Seldomridge, L.A. & Jarosinski, J.M. (2016). Advancing Education Transformation: Toolkits and Standardized Patients to Teach Essential Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Skills. Maryland Action Coalition Summit. June 27, 2016, Baltimore, MD.
Campbell, W T. (2015, November). Nursing Simulation: It’s not just for skills anymore. Leadership Poster Session presented at the 43rd Biennial Convention of Sigma Theta Tau International, Las Vegas, NV.
Webster, D.A. (2015, October). Toolkits and standardized patient experiences. Maryland Nurses Association Annual Conference, Linthicum, MD.
Nutt, R. (2015). Student perceptions of a standardized patient experience to enhance intimate partner violence screening. S.T.O.R.K. Day, Christiana, DE
Nutt, R. (2015). The use of standardized patients to enhance undergraduate nursing students’ intimate partner violence (IPV) screening skills. AWHONN National Convention, Long Beach, CA.
Seldomridge, L., Reid, T., Jarosinski, J. & Hinderer, K. (2015). Strategies for developing expert clinicians into clinical faculty: Lessons learned from a hybrid faculty academy experience. Sigma Theta Tau Biennial Convention, 7-11 November 2015, Las Vegas, NV.
Jarosinski, J., Reid, T., Hinderer, K. & Seldomridge, L. (2015). Developing expert clinicians into clinical faculty: A mentoring-teaching experience. Sigma Theta Tau International Research Congress, 22-27 July 2015, San Juan Puerto Rico.
Hinderer K, Guerra A, Talley W, Hogue GL, Joyner RL, Klima D, Parker D, Brown V, Dougherty P, Riker G, Truong H. Our Journey to Interprofessionalism: The Eastern Shore Collaboration for Interprofessional Education (ESCIPE) Experience. 2014 Fall IPEC Institute: Interprofessional Education: Building a Framework for Collaboration. Herndon, VA; 2014.
Webster, D. (2014, May). Standardized Patients in Psychiatric Nursing: Emphasizing Quality Patient-Centered Care and Safety while Teaching Communication. Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) National Forum. Baltimore, MD.
Pellinger, T., Neighbors, C., and Snitzer, J. (2014, April) Systemic and lower limb hemodynamics following dynamic exercise in type 2 diabetics: effects of exercise intensity and duration. National Meeting of Experimental Biology. San Diego, CA
Webster, D. (2013, May) Patient and Family Centered Care: A Standardized Patient Experience in the Mental Health Setting. Annual Conference for Quality and Safety Education for Nurse (QSEN). Atlanta, GA.
Webster, D. (2013, April) Patient-Centered Care: A Standardized Patient Experience in Mental Health. University of Maryland Educators Conference. Baltimore, MD.
Hinderer, K., Reid, T., Jarosinski, J. & Seldomridge, L. (2013, January) Clinician to educator: Integrating simulation in a hybrid continuing education course. 3rd Annual Teaching with Technology Conference - Salisbury University. Salisbury, MD.
Joyner, R. L. & Hinderer, K. (2012, May) An Initial Experience with an Undergraduate Critical Care Course. American Thoracic Society International Conference. San Francisco, CA
Hinderer, K. & Joyner R. L. (2012, June) Building our future: Multi-professional critical care education. NETNEP 2012 4th International Nurse Education Conference. Baltimore, MD.
Rockelli, L.A. & Webster, D.A. (2011, July) Lights, Camera, Action: Standardized Patients and Psychiatric Nursing Students. 22nd Annual Nurse Educators Conference in the Rockies. Beaver Run Resort, Breckenridge, CO.
Webster, D. (with Laurie Rockelli and Lisa Seldomridge -- 2011, June) Using Standardized Patients to Teach Communication Skills. (ASPE) - Association of Standardized Patient Educators. Nashville, TN.
Webster, D. (with Laurie Rockelli -- 2011, June) An Innovative Approach to Teaching Communication and Assessment Skills: Using Standardized Patients to Portray Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (ASPE) - Association of Standardized Patient Educators. Nashville, TN.
Webster, D. (with L. Rockelli and L. Seldomridge -- 2011, June) Take One: Lessons Learned from the Implementation of a Standardized Patient Experience for Psychiatric Nursing Students. (ASPE) - Association of Standardized Patient Educators. Nashville, TN.