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Perdue Center forProfessional Development Sponsors "The Science of Successand Happiness Seminar" November 11 in Ocean City

SALISBURY, MD--Success doesn’t happen by chance, it is created by design. Would you like to create your own opportunities? Make your own luck? Increase your value to your organization and rise above the competition? Boost your career and personal success and have more fun in the process? Dr. Harry Olsen presents “The Science of Success and Happiness” on Thursday, November 11, from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Sheraton Fountain Bleu Hotel in Ocean City, MD.

The “Science of Success” examines "The 8 Key Systems," the result of over 25 years of Olsen’s research and coaching with top achievers in business, sales and sports. Olsen has identified eight key dimensions of peak performance and the behavioral/attitudinal qualities that “separate life’s true champions from the also-rans.” He has coordinated these qualities and practices into a “breakthrough system for achieving at one’s peak more consistently and building a rewarding and fulfilling career and life. "The 8 Keys System" is simple, non-technical, practical and easy to understand and apply,” according to Olsen.

Olsen has coached executives, salespeople, athletes and others to break through limits and achieve at their peak. He has provided training to firms nationally and in Europe on peak performance, motivation and corporate culture issues. He has also authored four books.

The seminar is sponsored by the Perdue Center for Professional Development at Salisbury State University and the Department of Continuing Education at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. The cost of the seminar is $160 which includes a continental breakfast, lunch and course materials including a copy of Olsen’s latest book. To register for this seminar, please contact Cathie Thorsten at Salisbury State University at 410-543-6516 or