maroon wave

Sea Gull Club Looking for New Members

SALISBURY, MD--If you like good food, exciting sports action and friendly people, then the Sea Gull Club may be the organization for you. Initiated in 1972 as a support arm for the Salisbury State University athletics program, the Sea Gull Club continues to thrive as an active community organization providing fun and fellowship to its 150 members and support to SSU's 450 student-athletes.

The kick-off cocktail party will be on Saturday, September 11, location to be announced later. The remainder of the clubs social events, which includes one major function a month from September-April , will be held in the University's Commons building. The Sea Gull Club's parties and dinners have always provided its members with the opportunity to interact with Salisbury States faculty and administrators. All members also receive free admission to all of SSU's regular season home athletic events and a 10 percent discount at the Book Rack.

The Sea Gull Club has been a valuable supporter of the SSU athletics program throughout the years. Financially, the club has given nearly $160,000 to the athletics program through 12 1/2 percent of social membership fees. The club traditionally supplies special watches and plaques to SSUs team Most Valuable Players each season as well.

Membership applications are currently being accepted for the 1999-2000 season. Annual fees are as follows: Varsity memberships $125 per couple, corporate memberships $300, social memberships $250 and $125 per singles. Varsity and corporate membership fees go entirely to the athletic program. Further information regarding the various membership offerings is available by contacting the Sea Gull Club at 410-543-6027.