maroon wave

The Guerrieri Student Union Art Space hosts the painting exhibit “Repetition”

SALISBURY, MD---The Guerrieri Student Union Art Space hosts the painting exhibit “Repetition” by Salisbury University B.F.A. major Sequoia Chupek through Thursday, October 18.

A native of St. Michaels, MD, Chupek gained inspiration to pursue an education in the arts from her mother, also an artist, who took her to gallery openings, trunk shows and exhibits of friends’ works while growing up.

Chupek has described her oil paintings as encapsulating “the intricate nature of, well nature.” She focuses on naturally reoccurring patterns and geometry that can get lost in the overload of visual stimulation. She also frequently explores the values of light and how it interacts with the atmosphere, particularly that of colored lights.

This mixture of light, pattern and natural occurrences “provides familiar imagery and ideas with a more particular focus on the unnoticed,” she said. “This creates a new outlook on accustomed imagery, using the comfort of the known, with a twist on the focus.”

Her inspiration comes from the inner peace and calm she experiences from being outdoors, and her encounters with light and the infinite ways it can be projected and perceived. She aims to play with people’s perceptions of everyday interactions with the world around them by bringing a new perspective to the table.

Recently she has shifted to using modern contemporary compositions to “make daily sights mentally stimulating and seen in a new light, bringing wonder to the daily life” and presenting the world though her eyes “though interesting perspectives, angles and an exciting presentation of ordinary interactions.”

The Art Space is located in the Guerrieri Student Union’s second-floor concourse. Admission is free and the public is invited. For more information call 410-543-6247 or visit the Art Space website at