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Adam Pertman Lectures on Adoption at SU on February 27

SALISBURY, MD---Adoptive father Adam Pertman turned a reporter's eye on the adoption in the U.S., the results of which appeared in the Boston Globe and in his book, which many in the field consider a seminal work. Pertman, journalist and author of Adoption Nation: How the Adoption Revolution is Transforming America, will be a guest of Salisbury University on February 27-28.

Changing sociocultural forces in the U.S. and elsewhere has changed adoption practice. Pertman said " headed in the right direction. But we're not there yet by a long shot, as evidenced by the unchecked spread through the adoption system of the profit virus."

His lecture on Wednesday, February 27, at 7 p.m. in the Wicomico Room of Guerrieri University Center is free and open to the public. Copies of his book will be available for sale at each event featuring Pertman.

Earlier in the day, Pertman will discuss adoption in the news with representatives of local media and triad members in the Wicomico Room of the Guerrieri Center. "Triad" refers to the

parties to adoption, adoptees and adoptive and birth parents and family members. Joining Pertman will be Greg Bassett, editor of The Daily Times, Steve Hammond, news director of WBOC-TV, Kate O'Connor, birth mother and coordinator of the Maryland Green Ribbon Campaign for Open Records, and Ann Wilmer, adoptee and instructor in SU's Fulton School. Dr. Francis Kane, professor of philosophy, will moderate the panel discussion. A brief reception, sponsored by SU's Student Organization for Activity Planning, will follow to give triad members in the SU community a chance to meet and talk with Pertman.

Social workers, psychologists, educators and others whose professional practice involves dealing with adoption issues can participate in a workshop on Thursday, February 27, from 1-4:30 p.m. The workshop, which offers continuing education credit, will feature opening remarks from Pertman on open adoption and transracial adoption. Breakout sessions that follow will focus on triad perspectives on open adoption, counseling issues and search and reunion. Registration is $25 and includes certification for three continuing education units.

For more information on general admission programs, contact Ann Wilmer at the Fulton School 410-548-5588 or To register for the workshop, contact Robert P. Long in the Seidel School at 410-543-6308 or